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foolish : channeling blocks
- basically channeling on a Trident it's him
- he can control who it strikes and when
- even if there isn't a cloud in the sky a lighting bolt will come down and smite you
- but he can also channel something like lighting between his hands
- that itself can just be used as a weapon (like a very sharp saw or even use it to choke someone)
- but he can also use it to get 'stacks' of blocks (look at it as the creative inventory, if he opens it he can pull anything out)
- but only certain types like different dirts (he can get different grass blocks from the different biomes), terracotta, clay, wood, stones, vines (nether stuff is also included in all this), obsidian
- he cannot get ores, or blocks made of ores
- draw back of channeling lighting to smite people will cause him to feel dizzy and drowsy so he'd need to rest as soon as possible
- the hand lighting he can basically at any point (as the weapon)
- and an inventory, lipids, also overuse will cause him to have explosive diarrhoea

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