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wilbur : self-delusion
- ghosts boi (death boi)
- revived (after death)
- innocent boy (before advents)
- manic (blow up)
- brother (staring of potion van)
- he can switch between personas each with varying abilities
- when he's ghost boy he can't be touched by anything but he can't touch anything
- when he's innocent boy (so prewar and everything) his smile is the disarmament (when intended) it causes disorientation
- when he's revived his perception and senses are increased
- when he's maniac he becomes an excellent leader his voice and commands almost like a lullaby it makes people blindly listen to him (when intended)
- when he's in his innocent or ghost form he is very pleasant to be around
- when he's revived or maniac people tried to keep a distance because even if he doesn't mean it he's scary just standing around
- innocent is the most natural will buy you will get, but also in that form he is naive he knows bad things will happen but not to the extent that more negative versions are
- this is not a bash on people with the DID or other mental disorders that causes splits it's just each form he is able to betray him self as with his quirk each form does have their own state of being he is still himself but he has less control over his actions
- what will happen is after a lot of use of him being innocent he will evolve or not involved but in another Wilbur wallpaper is his big brother this is Wilbur his normal banter souls he's always been there since the beginning but it was harder to average out who is to existing time evenly
- no draw backs to switching between beings
- the draw backs come in when the different hims use their quirks
- if one overused their quirk they won't be able to switch infront as easily/as often (if all are tired wilbur comes out, this is the first time he appears, after that he comes out for often)

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