hannah rose

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hannah : rose thorn
- she can grow beautiful roses (white all the way to red) from her
- she'll always have vine like scars around her wrist and neck (they don't hurt her) this is because when ever she uses her quirk vines wrap around her wrist and neck and when she's done using her quirk they sink but into her skin (so the 'scars' are just the remainders of her quirk wanting to burst out again)
- the vines generally grow from her hand (/finger tips), feet or her shoulder-blades (thus meaning she doesn't need to be touching the ground)
- she can use her quirk to have beautiful rose assortments
- she can use her quirk to fight off people since the thorn have a mild poison that'll leave the person feeling irritated until they get some antibiotics (this can even come from the littlest cut as well)
- she can get the vines to wrap around people, immobilise (if they're weak too weak to break through) them so they can't move
- she can control how thick the vines get (but with practice they can get sturdier)
- not being the sun enough not just weakness her quirk and how much she can use it but it also slows down her own body functions
- she can photosynthesise but she still does need to eat but not as much as an average person

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