Chapter 1

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                              this story.

"olivia are you excited to see Melo?" my mom asked as we packed everything up in our car.

my family and the Ball family have always been close. our moms grew up together and have always been best friends. we spend every summer together in our moms shared beach house. they bought it together when Lonzo was a baby and we've spent every summer up there since. me and Melo are both turning 17 this year, Gelo and my brother Ornell are both 19 and Zo is 21 and in college.

"omg mom im so excited!! this summers gonna be the best one yet!!" i squeled placing my last few bags in the car.

"We all loaded up?!" my dad shouted as he walked out of the house with Ornell trailing behind him.

"Omar calm down, its 8 in the morning." My mom spoke softly as she came back from locking the front door.

we all got in the car and got on the road.

me and my brother are pretty close and we tell eachother alot but not everything. we like alot of the same stuff like, music, basketball, video games. my mom swears that we're the same person. recently its been different though hes been getting more annoyed with having me around lately cuz his friends like to hit on me. i think with us coming up here for the summer he knows he wont have to worry about it from any of the ball brothers.

time skip

we jus got to the house and before we could even get out of the car Tina comes running out of the house and she and my mom just stood there in a hug for what felt like forever until it was my turn for a hug. Tina stood there and looked at me for a second for pulling me into a hug.

"you're all grown up! you're gorgeous liv." she smiled brightly.

"thank you tina." she always knew how to make me feel good about myself.

"WHERES MY FAVORITE GIRL?!" I heard Lavar yell making me chuckle a little bit.

"Uncle Lavar!!!" I immediately ran into his arms when i saw him.

" My goodness you've grown up. how old are are you 30?" He laughed a little too hard.

"Oh hush, Lavar leave that girl alone!" Tina scolded him while hugging my dad.

"Livvyy" I saw gelos big body ass running towards me.

"ahh Gellooo" he picked me up and swung me around like i dont weigh a pound.

"omg you look different!" he looked at me amused.

"everyone keeps saying that and i dont see it." i nervously laughed feeling a bit uncomfy.

"is that lil bit i hear?!" Zo has always called me that cuz i've always been so much smaller than all the boys.

"Zo?!" he ran to me and threw me over his should and spin me around.

"ahhh put me downn!" i latched onto his waist so i wouldn't fall. he put me down and looked at me.

" dont even say it cuz i dont wanna hear it." i put my hand in is face

"ahh we've missed you lil bit"

"i've missed you guys too now go talk to my parents before my dad beats you guys up."

they both laughed with me and walked away.

thats when i turned around and saw him. the one person i've been so excited to see. my best friend of all time. but lemme tell you he glew uppp. i like to think i did too so.

we stood there smiling before he opened his arms. i smiled harder and ran straight into the jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his waist.

" i missed you melo belo" i said as i tucked my fave into his neck.

"i missed you too livvy boo." he chuckled a bit.

me and melo have always been closer than any of the others. and as much as we hated it sometimes we were the same person. melo has always been the world in my eyes. no matter what he had said or done he was always the world.

everyone had went in the house while we were standing there. melo continued to hold me as he walked upstairs to his room. he walked over to the bed and jus flopped down laying on top of me.

"melooo" i whined seeing as hes a 6'5 boy laying ontop of my 5'4 body.

"nope you're mine for today." he smiled at me before laying back on top of me

A/n- I hope you guys enjoy this story! ots my first official one so im trying my best to make thos book good!!

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