Chapter 13

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i woke up the next day to the weight of a 6'5 boys body on top of me. i looked up to see Melos head on my chest. the memories from last night came flooding back and i couldnt help but smile. i jus hope he doesnt regret it.

i look down at him and stick my hand in his hair, pushing it back from his forehead and massaging his scalp.

i placed a kiss on hiss head before snuggling back up to him.

i heard him groan from the crook of my neck. i guess hes still faded. he lifted his head up and smiled at me.

"goodmorning mama." i smiled and kissed his lips. "mmm" he pulled away from the kiss. "mm mama let eat my breakfast real quick." he smirked and started kissing down my neck.

i pulled him up before he got too far knowing i would give in. "aht aht you ate last night you can wait a lil bit." he mugged me and starting whining.

"but mamaaa... im hungryyy..." i jus giggled at him as he kissed all around my face.

"if youre hungryy lets go eat real breakfast." i giggled and got up pulling him out of the bed.

"mamaaa." he groaned as we walked downstairs.

we walked downstairs and didnt see anyone. anywhere. guess theyre gone again.

we walked into the kitchen and i looked in the fridge.

"so... what do you want to eat?" i asked him and then turned around for his response.

he straight faced me before answering. "mama. you know the answer to that question."

i giggled a little bit before walking toward him. "well..." i walked closer and leaned down to him. "im making protein shakes so we can go to the gym." i booped his nose and walked back to the fridge.

i giggled when i heard him groan and whisper. "gonna be the death of me."

at the gym+melos pov-

we got to the gym and were jus shootin around warmin up a bit. we decided to run some drills and have a miny practice. we did a 1-1 first to 10 and she crossed me up. had me in my feels for real.

i wanted to do a lil weight lifting so she doin it wit me. same split jus less weight ofc.

she look so good in her lil set. it nun fancy but she still pull it off.


@melo- she to good😭 @liv

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@melo- she to good😭 @liv

liked by- Zo, gelo, eli_scotto, 4,927,472 others


@liv- he mad i crossed him up🤷🏽‍♀️
      ↪️@melo- nah you a cheater fr

@Zo- she a beast

@LebronJames- damn Melo!🤣
      ↪️@melo- ian know what happened😭
      ↪️@liv- im too good! thats what happened.🤭

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we got home and both went straight to the shower. separately ofc. i mean i wouldnt mind showering with her but ion wan rush nun.

i got done first and im jus chillin in her bed. thinking abt her and her body and what happened last night. god what i could do to her.

my thoughts were cut off when she walked into her room with jus a bra and underwear on. she must not wanna walk tmr.

i guess she caught me staring cuz she giggled and walked to her closet.

"forgot clothes." she thought she was slick. she put on booty shorts and a cropped tank top.

i grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her on my lap. my hands immediately fly up to rub her booty.

"ya know. we start filming again tmr. and they gon be in out buisness. we should get out as my anger and stress as we can today." i looked her up and down.

she was about to respond when her phone rang from her mom she answered and i started to kiss her neck.

" i dont need your money......its jus me and melo.........they left?.....okay i love you bye." she looked at me with a light smirk on her face.

"what?" i looked at her.

"well the boys flew home to watch the Lakers game. our parents are at a hotel because Tinas getting treatment in the hospital and they wont be back till tmr at noon. and we're not recording until that time either." she started kissing down my neck.

"it sucks that its the last week we get to spend here. im gonna miss sneakin around wit you."

"me too.  im really gonna miss havin my favorite food."  i started goin down on her and she jus let me. i knew she was horny too.

time skip 4:30 am

me and Livvy ended up having sex tonight. not jus any sex life changing sex. i know for a fact im not gonna be the same now.

i know im not gonna be able to leave her side. im gonna be attached even more than i already am. she got me whipped. i hope she feels the same.

we ended up going 7 rounds, 2 in the bed, 1 in the pool, 1 on the couch, 1 the beach, and 2 in the shower. honestly best night of my life.

im gonna make her mine. jus gotta come up with a plan.

i sat there think abt what i was gonna do until i knew.

next day+ melos interview-

"are you and Livvy dating?"

i smiled and looked at the camera.

"nah thas my bestie. we flirt alot and stuff but we jus friends... speaking of yall got any questions fo both of us? i miss her." i looked at Courtney and she brought Liv in.

i automatically smiled and hugged her when she sat besides me.

"alright, melo..."

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