Chapter 3

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Olivias pov-

im being woken up from my amazing sleep by the sun in my face. i stretch in my bed as i feel a body i screamed and jumped up. Melo, Ornell, and Quan ran into my room.

"theres a body in my bed!!" i yelled and pointed towards my bed.

Melo went and pulled the covers off the body and it was... Mikey?!

"Mikey?" everyone in the room said at the same time.

"Mikey!!!" i ran and jumped on him as he started to wake up.

Mikey and i have been friends for 5 years but he moved from Cali to North Carolina so i havent seen him in a while.

he hugged me back as he sat up.

"what are you doing here?!" I asked as i pulled away from our hug.

"your mom called and asked me if i wanted to come down for the weekend. you know since the drive is only two hours from my parents house."

"oh my goshhh!! ive missed you." i hugged him again

A/n- pretend mikey is 15 in this story.

time skip 12 pm

we're all chillin in the living room even gelo, ornell and zo are with us. ive been hanging with Mikey all day and i havent talked to melo at all. i feel bad but i have all summer to talk to him and only a couple days to hang with Mike. right?

Mike and i are snuggled up on the couch while Ornell and Quan are playin 2k. I was jus scrolling through Instagram when i decided to post a pic from the beach this morning.



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@liv- she looks jus like a dream☁️9️⃣

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@liv- she looks jus like a dream☁️9️⃣

liked by- melo, ornell, zo, and 759,367 others


@melo-the prettiest girl i've ever seen😯🖤

@ornell- put some damn clothes on

@mikey- dayum😍😍

@zo- who the hell let you walk out the house like that?
↪️@liv- you bruh💀

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melos pov-

this nigga mikey has barely been here for a day and he has my livvy wrapped around his finger. she hasnt even talked to me today and its pissing me off cuz shes MY best friend. i mean i have been enjoying time with my boys but i miss my little livvy boo.


everyone has made they're way to their rooms cuz it was now 9:30 at night.

left in the living room was me, Liv, and Mikey.

"im gonna go to bed. goodnight guys." liv said and made her way to the stairs.

"you like her?" i spoke to Mikey without looking at him.

"what?" i looked at him.

"do you like her?"

"ian know bro. i mean shes bad ash and super sweet. but i dont see a relationship wit her. maybe jus fuckin around but not a relationship." i gave him a mean mug.

"nah bro if you dont like her for her you dont deserve her. shes the best youll ever find so if you jus wanna toy wit her. i would advise you jus leave her alone." i said to him and jus got up and went to my room.

olivias pov + time skip-

its now 4 am and i still cant sleep. i havent talked to Melo all day and its made me feel so bad. mikey and the boys left at 12 to catch their early flight and i havent slept since.

i decided to go to his room to see if he was up.

i made my way to his room and quietly opened his door.

"Melo?" i spoke softly but loud enough for him to hear me.

he turned around in his bed.

"Livvy?" he whispered

"hey" i felt kinda awkward jus standing there.

"hey come sit." he sat up in his bed and turned on the lamp.

i went and sat next to him.

"hey, why are you up so late?"he asked while pushing a strand of my hair out of my face.

"i was jus thinking about today and i couldnt sleep." i  looked down at my hands.

"well what were you thinking about?"

"about how i hung out with mikey all day today and didnt talk to you at all. and i feel so bad cuz youre my best friend and i totally chose mikey over you and im so sorry." i rambled a little bit.

"Livvy its okay. i mean i missed you today but i understand." he rubbed my cheek lightly.

"no no im such a bad friend." i said as i put my head down in my hands.

"hey c'mere." he pulled into a hug and i  jus laid on his chest. "it okay i forgive you." he told me as he rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.

I swear this boy has a special place in my heart.

melos pov-

we jus sat in comfortable silence as she laid on my chest and i rubbed her back.

i swear this girl is my soft spot.

i would never do anything like this with any other girl. ever.

" Livvy? its getting late. do you wanna sleep in here or do you wanna go back to your room?" i brushed the hair out of her beautiful face.

"no i jus wanna stay here with you." her saying that made me cheese so hard.

this girl bruh.

"okay ma lets go to sleep."

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