Chapter 9

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its been about 5 days since me and Melo 'confessed' our feelings for each other. lets jus say hes been acting like i don't exist.

the most talking we've done is me telling him to get ready for dinned last night. other than that we havent talked.

its really been affecting my mental health cuz he was my best friend and i ruined that by catching feelings.

in better news, Tina is back at home but she stays in her room other than to eat. she cant really talk and she cant walk without help.

my mom and Tina are in Tinas room watching Love Island UK. i decided to go in there and watch with them.

I walk in the room and climb on the bed laying in between them. my mom starts to play with my hair. being with them makes me feel so much better but it also makes me so emotional because of the safe environment.

"hey baby. are you okay?" mom asked me as i snuggled up to her and Tina.

i took a deep breath before responding. "yeah momma im okay." i tried to not make eye contact.

"yeah right. whats wrong sweetie? tina can i turn it off?" my mom asked Tina and showed her the remote.

"yes." was all that tina really said since she cant really talk.

mom turned of the tv and the both sat up against the headboard. i move so that i could sit in front of them crisscrossed.

"okay. now tell us whats going on." i looked down at my hands before i could bring myself to respond.

"well... last week me and Melo confessed our feeings for eachother." they started to get excited but i stopped them.

"this was the day after the accident happened and we had been together ever since we found out. anyways that day was amazing. we cuddled all day, he was telling me how beautiful i am, he was telling me how much he liked." i paused cuz i could feel the tears building up.

"we even kissed a few times. but ever since that day we havent hung out, we havent spent any time together, he hasnt even talked to me." the tears started to flow and there was no stopping them now.

"i can't believe i let myself catch feelings for him. hes my bestfriend and i think i ruined our entire friendship. our 16 year friendship. gone. all because of me." i started to sob immensely.

mu mom rubbed her hands up and down my arms.

"i dont think you ruined your friendship. i think you and Melo jus have to get used to the thought of you two being more than friends." she paused and pulled me into her arms playing with my hair.

"you guys arent used to giving the other one a different kind of attention and love. yes you guys were bestfriends you did some relationship things. but you both knew that it wasnt real."

" i think you should talk to him and figure out if this is what you both want and need and how you can go about making things work."

i nodded through my tears. " how am i supposed to do that when he wont even talk to me?" i asked her with the tears still flowing down my face.

"well, jus ask him to go somewhere. whether its the beach, a restaurant, or even in one of your rooms. jus tel him you want to talk."

i smiled softly at her while still crying. "ill try momma, ill try."

i look at her and Tina before giving them both a hug.
"thank you guys for always being there for me. i love you guys!" i smiled and layed back down.

"now lets watch our show!" i chuckled a lil bit theough my sobs.

melos pov-

i was on my way to mom and dads room to talk to my mom cuz i miss her.

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