Chapter 5

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2 weeks later-

so i started talking to mikey. he asked if we could start the talking stage and i mean i like him so why not.

hes been nice to me but he only ever talks to me at night and tells me to not hit him up in the day cuz hes 'busy'.

hes also been getting really jealous of Melo and every time either of us post a picture of eachother he calls or texts me angry and yelling.

lets jus say this whole situation is taking a toll on my mental health and ive barely ate recently.

i feel really bad cuz ive been trying to avoid Melo being afraid that Mikey would find out and yell at me again.

i feel like this whole situation is my fault. every time mikey says sum mean or yells at me i end up sitting in my room crying all night.

usually i would go to Melo on a night i cant sleep but i dont want to be a burden on him and i dont wanna explain the situation for him to angry with me.

its currently 10:00pm and im sitting outside in the gazebo thats over the water. crying.

Mikey called me earlier basically telling me that if I wanted to be a baller and a model. (thats always been my dream. to model for companies like nike.) that i was going to have to slim down and stop eating so much and get on a diet.

it didnt help that he was telling this to me seeing as i am jus now recovering from an eating disorder. i had jus got comfortable eating some of my fear foods but that all jus went down the drain.

but its okay right? he said it was cuz 'he cares about me' that doesnt make me feel any better.

on top of all that, there was picture on TMZ of Mikey with Deja Kelly outside of Nobu.

i jus decided i was gonna stay out here tonight. the air is refreshing and i knew i wouldnt be able to face my family first thing tomorrow.

i ended up staying up till 12:30 tonight then finally fell asleep.

later that night-

melos pov-

everyones chillin in the living room enjoying their free time. i noticed Livvy hasnt came down yet, which is weird cuz she usually she hangs out with us at night. especially on a night like this.

"yo. have any of yall seen Livvy? shes not in her room or her bathroom and her phones in there too."
Gelo looked at us as he came down the stairs.

"what do you mean shes not in her room? she should still be up there. and her cars here so she didnt go no where." Ms.Aniyah started to look panicked.

i was honestly worried too. she never goes anywhere without telling at least one person. shed never go some where this late anyways. i mean it's midnight.

she hasnt really talked to me this week which has been weird. and i've noticed she hasnt been eating as much and she barely hangs with the fam. she jus stays in her room.

"Melo? please tell me you've talked to her or even know where she is?" he dad asked me while catching my attention.

i looked at him "no. she's barely talked to me all week." i spoke truthfully.

"well lets go look for her! i need to find my little sister!!" Ornell jumped up from his seat. 

Mr.Omar gave us the plan. Zo and Gelo are looking on the beach. me and Ornell are to look outside the house. and the parents are going to call around and search the house.

we searched the whole property for 2 hours in the pitch darkness. i was looking around the pool shed and thats when i saw her.
my Livvy passed out on the gazebo floor looking out to the water. the lights barely lighting up her body.

i immediately ran down there.

"Livvy? come onn wake up!" i shook her and she slowly opened her eyes sitting up to look at me.

she looked weak and she looked like she had been crying.

"holy shit! thank god youre okay!" i pulled her into a hug before she curled her legs up to chest laying her head on her knees.

"ORNELL OVER HEAR!!" i called out and he came running.

"omg sis! what happened?" he asked after realizing her sad demeanor.

he sat next to her and put his arm around his shoulder. i jus sat across from them.

"sissy what happened?" he asked her in a softer tone.

Livs pov-

"what? nothing happened. i came out here to clear my mind." i was confused on why they were freaking out.

"well when you weren't with us or in the house we all got scared and started looking for you. we were searching for 2 hours before Melo found you." Ornell explained while rubbing his hand up and down my shin/calf.

"im sorry bubba." i told him while trying to hold back tears.

"sorry for what sissy?"

"for everything." i told him while letting one tear out, wiping it away immediately.

"sissy you have nothing to be sorry for. you didnt do anything wrong. are you okay?" i smiled a lil bit. hes the best big brother a girl could ask for.

"im okay bubba. i promise. i jus needed to do some thinking... hey bubba? can you go tell everyone that im okay and give me minute to talk to Melo please?"

"of course sis" he kissed the side of my head "i love you." he said before getting up.

"i love you too bubby."

he walked away and i watched him walk into the house.

"Liv-" i cut him off and pulled him into a tight hug.

"im so sorry Melo" i pulled away and looked at him " im gonna tell you everything you jus have to promise not to get mad. i dont want you to do anything to hurt your career." i looked at him in the eyes.

"okay i promise."

"good. well in the past two weeks..."

i went on to tell him the whole 45 minute story.

lets jus say.. he didnt keep his promise. he was fuming.

i was trying to calm him down but nothing was working.

"look Melo. i know you're angry but right now i jus need my bestie. for comfort."

i got up and sat down straddling him and hugging his neck. i could feel his body soften again as he put his long arms around my tiny body.

we stayed liked that for about 5 minutes before we spoke again.

"okay okay come on. lets go get you something to eat and then we can cuddle in my bed. deal?"

i looked up at him.

"only if you let me wear one of you big shirts?!"

"ite i can deal with that." he went to look back at me but i jus jumped up and ran to the house jumping and squeeling with excitement.

so absolutely no hate towards mikey. i lovee him and hes an amazing player i jus wanted to play out an idea for the story. once again i hope you guys enjoy this throwback story for those of us who miss little melo. 😭(me) but let me know if yall want me to write on someone else.

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