Chapter 7

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melos pov-

its been about 2 days since we've been on the boat and i've been thinking alot about my feelings for Liv. i eventually decided that im gonna talk to my mom about it tomorrow morning.

shes just so perfect. shes drop dead gorgeous. and the way she sees the good in everyone. its bad sometimes but its so admirable.

its currently 1:30pm and me and the boys are chillin in the living room taking turns on 2k. Livvys not here right now. i think she went out to some shops in town.  i dont know.

i was getting ready to start my turn on 2k when i got a call...

Livs pov-

i decided that i needed some time alone for myself so im currently shopping at a few of the small shops in town.

i was leaving the last shop to get some food for me and the boys when i got a call from my mom.

"hello? mom?"

"hey sweetie. where are you right now?"  i could tell she was crying and it worried me.

"im on my way to pick up some food for me and the boys. why? whats wrong?" i asked as i got out of the car to pick up my chipotle order.

"um jus get the food and ill explain when you get back in the car."

"okay..? im back in the car now mom. whats going on? are you okay?" i asked making sure not to raise my voice.

"im fine sweet girl. but Tina she...she had a stroke."
she told me before breaking into sobs again.

i could feel my eyes star to sting from tears. "what? no. is she okay? what happened? she was jus fine!"

"we dont know anything yet baby, i jus need you to get home and make sure the boys are okay. me, Omar, and Lavar are staying at the hospital tonight  we'll probably be home tomorrow. i love you sweetie. take care of the boys. they need you."

"yea of course you know i got them. i love you mom let me know when you find something out!"

"i will bye sweetie." and with that she hung up the phone as i pulled into the driveway.

i had to jus sit there for a minute to try and pull myself together cuz i know the boys are gonna need me. even Ornell, he and Tina always had a stronger bond.

i got out of the car and grabbed the food and my purse, ill get the other stuff later. i shut the door before slightly crying again.

i set my stuff on the table before making my way to the living room. i absolutely broke my heart to see them all curled up on the couch.

i sat in between Melo and Zo and Melo immediately put his head in my lap and Zo put his head on my shoulder. i motioned for Gelo and Nelly to come sit between my legs and they did.

i was playing with Melos hair and rubbing my hand up and down Zos arm.

the room was completely silent other than the quiet sobs coming from everyone.


the sun was setting and i was still in the same position. Zo and Ornell got up to eat and Gelo got up to lay on the other side of my lap.

i was playing with both of their hair when Melo turned on my lap to face me. he looked up at me and i could see how truly sad he was.

i mean his mom was his first best friend. hes the mommas boy while the others are daddys boys. he and his mom have an unbreakable bond. hes the baby and shes his momma.

i looked back down at him and wiped away his tears with my thumb. i rubbed my nails down his face softly and moved some of his hair out of his face.

i went to pull my hand away but he jus grabbed it back and placed it on his cheek. i continued to rub his cheek with my thumb.


its now 10pm and the boys jus made it up to their rooms and Melo was the only one left still on my lap.

"Melo baby? i think its time you go upstairs to bed." he looked up at me.

"will you sleep in my room with me at least?" i looked at him and smiled softly.

"of course. now go on up. im gonna check on the others then ill be there." he nodded as he got up.

i went to the kitchen and put away the extra food in the fridge and threw away the trash.

i went upstairs and went into Zos room first. i walked in and he was sitting on his bed crying.

"Zozo? are you okay bubba?" i walked over to him and he jus pulled me in hugging my waist. i rubbed his back and wiped his tears away.

"lil bit... what if..what if something happens to her?" i frowned and looked at him.

"hey. dont think like that. you gotta keep positive thoughts. i love you okay. and so does everyone else." he nodded.

"i love you too Livvy." i walked out of his room and into Gelos to see him already asleep.

i walked over to him and layed a kiss on his forehad and tucked him in. "i love you gelo cup." i said before walking out and making my way to Ornells room.

i walked in and he was in the bed but not asleep jus yet. i walked over to him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"goodnight i love you Nell." i started to walk away.

"i love you too sissy." i smiled and walked out of the room.

i sighed before opening Melos door. i walked in and he was sitting with his back against the bed and his knees in his chest. i walked over and sat next to him.

"Melo..." i rubbed his forehead pushing his hair back a bit. "its gonna be okay. i promise." he nodded slowly.

"come on lets go to bed." i grabbed his arms standing him up.

he pulled his shirt off and i couldnt help but look at his chest. i quickly looked away befor he turned to me.  'not the time Liv not the time.' is what i kept saying in my head.

i got in the covers first before opening them up for him. he got into the bed laying his in between my chest and stomach.

he kept trying to pull me closer as if he wasnt on top of me. he eventually put his head in my shirt laying on my bare stomach. he left a couple soft kisses in my stomach before speaking.

"i love you Livvy." i smiled and he started leaving more kisses on my stomach. it was making me feel some type of way. and i really liked it.

"i love you too Melo belo."

i rubbed my hands up and down his muscular back scratching it lightly.

i felt him finally drift asleep and not long after i did too.

so i did edit this chapter!! also i wasnt going to write Tinas stroke into this book but i feel like it would have been a true Lamelo Ball story without it butnim glad idid cuz i love the emotional chapters!! i hope guys enjoy!! also pleaseee vote and comment and leave suggestions!! ~A

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