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It's been a week since the whole "oh by the way, were in the mafia." talk. After Andrea left my room, I decided that I wasn't going to talk to my brother's and do the absolute most to annoy all of them.

It's Monday again. Luca, Andrea, Roman, and Rodrigo have already been in my room to wake me up and i'm honestly not having it today.

"I'm going to get Matteo." Rodrigo said, storming out of the room. I smirked and got out of bed. I was ready dressed and completely ready for school. Today I was wearing blue jeans and a black oversized t-shirt.

I grabbed my shoes and bag and hurriedly ran out of my bedroom and into Luca's which was across the hall. "She won't even open her eyes, Matteo! You need to get her up." Rodrigo said from downstairs.

"She doesn't even talk to me, what makes you think she wants to see me bright and early in the morning." Matteo grumbled. To be honest, I really did feel bad ignoring my brothers but it's what they get.

I hid behind the bed and waited for a minute. "Whatever, just stay here and i'll get her up." Matteo said. I heard my door open. "She's not in here." He said, worry slightly laced through his words. "She was just in here 5 minutes ago." Rodrigo said.

"Check the bathroom." I could hear the knocking on the door from Luca's room, and his door was shut. "Kins, you in here?" It was silent for a minute. "I'm coming in."

"She's not fucking in there." Matteo said. I covered my mouth to hold in the laughs. "She didn't go downstairs?" Matteo asked. "No, we would have seen her we were right there." Rodrigo said. "Call Roman and ash him is she's down there."

"Yea. Is Kinsley down there?" He asked. "Alright." It was silent for a second. "She's not down there either." He said. I heard their footsteps descend down the stairs.

A few minutes went by and there were multiple footsteps coming back up the stairs. "Kinsley are you up here?" Matteo yelled. No dear brother I am not.

"Ok, check your rooms. If she's not in there then i'll call Hudson." Matteo said, splitting up from the group. Luca's door opened and I shrunk even farther into the corner I was sitting in.

Luca went to his closet first. He was literally throwing thing's to see if I was in there. Then he walked to the corner I was in. He walked by twice. "She's not in here." He said, walking out.

I waited a bit longer in the room. It was starting to get uncomfortable sitting in the same spot so I got up slowly. "Hudson. Yea, did you see Kinsley leave the property at all?" Matteo asked. I moved towards the door to hear more. "Alright thanks." He said, kicking something on the other side.

"Kinsley if you're in this fucking house it's not gonna be pretty. Just come out." He yelled, making me slightly jump back. I stepped on one of the many things Luca had spread across his floor, giving my position up.

The door opened and in walked Matteo. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide. I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sorry- Your face." I said, pointing and laughing.

"Real fucking funny isn't it." He said, walking out the room. "It wa-" "Get to school." He said, walking into the office.

The ride to school was annoying. Matteo made all of us ride together because he saw no use in bringing three cars to school. So here we are, piled in the back of Roman's car.

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