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K E A T O N ' S    P O V

"What do you think they're talking about?" Tate asked, taking a sip from each drink that sat in front of us. I smacked the back of his head. "Stop fucking drinking that. Go get your own drink." I grumbled.

He brought his chair closer to hers and she sat back. "Ouu are you jealous." Tate mocked. "Yea I'm fucking jealous, She's mine." I grumbled. "Does she know that? Cause they're getting a little close." Owen said, pointing to the two.

I whipped my head from my fuck face friends to the two who sat together looking like they were about to jump each others bones.

"Nah. He needs to leave." I stood from the chair but got sat back down, "Luca's got it." Jhett said, keeping one hand on my shoulder as the other pointed in their direction.


L U C A ' S    P O V

   There is absolutely no way in hell am I letting my little sister ever disappear from me like that again. I was honestly lost in my own world, nobody knew and nobody was going to figure it out.

   It was like I was drowning and nobody was there to help me out.

   Once I saw that asshole assassin sit next to her, I lost my shit. Of course I kept a cool face, but I kept my eye on the two. "Luca, you alright?" Roman whispered beside me. I looked at him, a visual face of worry looked right at me.

   "Im fine? Why?" I looked at him confusedly. "The death grip that you have on the table cloth says otherwise." He said, nodding his head in the direction of my white knuckles.

   Roman has always understood me the most out of any of my brothers. I think it's because of the anger that we've had to hold up for years. Roman is my little side kick and I have no clue what I would do without him.

   "Talk to me, whats up?" He said, turning his full attention towards me. "Oh just that fuck face sitting next to our sister." I sad nonchalantly. "WHAT." Roman yelled. I instantly hushed him by throwing my hand over his mouth.

   "Sorry." Roman looked around at our family who now looked at him confusedly. "What." He whispered.

   "That fucking what's his name, Jason or something." I asked him. "I think its Grayson. But yea fuck him." Rodrigo included himself in the conversation.

   "He's getting closer to her." Roman slapped my arm. I looked around the room to see Keaton stand up from his chair. Why the hell did he leave them in the first place?

   I got up from my chair, signaling to Jhett to hold him back and to calm his ass down. We don't need a fucking shoot out.

   I reached the table and pushed back Grayson chair. "Fuck off Grayson. My sister doesn't need you or your fucking power." I told him.

   He stood up and dusted his jacket off. "Excuse you, Luca. But I was simply apologizing to your sister. I fucked up and I'm trying to get on her good side again." Grayson said, laughing a little.

"Yea. Let's fucking laugh bitch."

Extremely short chapter for us all.

I've been working on 2 other stories that I cannot wait to put out! Of course I have to wait for this story to be over, but I'm so excited!

Anyways, I apologize for the wait and the lack of chapter this chapter is chaptering.

I love you!!

<3 K

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