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K E A T O N ' S P O V

I find it incredibly amusing how her brothers think they scare me. It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than a small lecture to actually terrify me.

They act like I can't be trusted, like we can't be trusted. We've been doing business with them since we were abandoned at the age of like 8. It's kind of hard to believe that Romeo and I used to be best friends.

"How much do you think i'm gonna need?" Kinsley whispered, still shaking from the incident from earlier. "Well, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Just get a suit case, it's best to pack more than not enough." I pulled the black case from the top shelf of her closet.

"Are you sure it's safe to go with you? I mean what if they need help? What if they get hurt?" She said while pulling clothes from the drawers. "I can almost bet they will have more than enough people, and they are definitely more skilled then the people outside." I folded my arms and leaned against the door frame.

"Are you sure all this is necessary though? Like I could just stay in the basement." She asked, still pulling clothes from the drawers. "Yes I'm su-" I stopped mid sentence. Her middle drawer was empty, only a few garments were left in the back.

A small clear bag filled with white powder caught my eye. I walked over and grabbed the bag, "What are y-" She gasped and her eyes widened. "What the hell is this?" I spat through gritted teeth.

"N- Keaton, please don't tell them. I'm begging you." She lifted her arm to grab the bag but I pulled away before she could take it. "Where the fuck did you get this?" I asked backing up a little.

"No where! Now please put it back and don't fucking tell anyone." She got up to grab the bag. "Kinsley." I grabbed her hand, "tell. me. where. you. got. it." I said.

She closed her eyes and held them shut for a second. "Dark time in my life, Keaton. Everyone has them. I stole it from someone. I didn't know what to do with it so I put it in the back to forget about it. I promise I wasn't even thinking about doing it again." "Again! How many times have you done it?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now. I just want to get out of here." She bent down to zip her case. "But we're already on the subject so why no-" "OK FINE." She yelled, standing back in front of me.

"I was fucking addicted, alright. Took it everyday for a long ass time back when I was living with my.." She paused, "Whatever they were. I stole it from him cause I didn't know if I was gonna need it again." She finished, looking at the ground.

"Look, as long as your safe and happy no-" "Don't you do that shit? So why are you lecturing me when you do the same shit! And don't even start about being happy."

I groaned "We aren't fucking talking about me, Kinsley, we don't need to worry about the shit that I do because truth is, I don't fucking see myself living for much fucking longer!" She gasped as she processed what I had just said.

"What are you talking about?" She whispered. "If you were me, you'd understand better." I scoffed, tired of the conversation. "Don't say that." She walked closer, opening her arms. "I don't do hugs."

She backed away quickly. "I- uhh i'm gonna go say bye." She picked up her case and quickly walked out of the room. I leaned my head against the wall as she got farther away.

"Come on Keaton, how fucking stupid could you be?"

"Keep your thought to yourself, nobody gives a fuck about whats going on."

"Damn It."

K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

While I was trailing my case behind me, the conversation we had kept replaying in my head. What did he mean by that?

I walked into the office without knocking, because why bother doing that anymore? "Get out." Luca said. I ignored his comment and kept walking towards Matteo. "Hey. Ready to go?" He asked, I wrapped my arms around him. "Yea. But do you know how long it's gonna be?"

   It was silent for a few minutes. "I'm not sure. Hopefully not long." He whispered into my ear. I broke off from the hug and began saying my goodbyes to the rest of my family.

   "Text me if dipshit and his boys try anything. I'll kick all of their asses by myself." Roman whispered in my ear, which made me laugh. "You think i'm joking?" He asked with smile. "I'll miss you little sister."

   When I finally broke out of his embrace, everyone was looking at him confusedly. "What!" "I didn't know you had a soft side Romeo." They began teasing him.

   I continued on with my goodbyes when I finally made it to the last person, my very happy brother Luca. "I don't want a hug nor do I want a goodbye." He looked everywhere but me.

   I sighed and walked closer to him. "Listen, I don't hate you. I never could. I was having a rough time with myself and I really didn't think anyone was there for me. I love you, Luca, and I really don't know what I would do without you." I whispered.

   I wrapped my arms around him loosely. As I began to pull away, he brought his arms around me very tightly. I returned the hug. It honestly felt good to have this little moment with Luca. He's stubborn. "Call me if you need anything." He whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

   "Kinsley, the cars ready." Ty said from the door. I nodded my head and waved to my family. "I'll see all of you soon." I waved to the group.

Oh i'm going to miss the craziness.


Look at that! Is that an update?

Anywho, thank you all so so much for the reads, votes and comments.

Does anyone else have a cold right now? Cause I feel like everyone has something.

<3 K.

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