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C A I D E N ' S P O V

    "Why the fuck, do they want her. And why now?" Matteo questioned those of us who were sitting in the office. "Now," Uncle Aldo started. "I've always had my suspicions on Mario myself. He's always been so secretive to all of us." He said, a few of us nodded in agreement.

   "Like what?" Luca said, leaning against the wall. "I don't know. I guess I always saw him sneaking out at night and not getting back until the rest of us were waking up." Uncle Leo said.

   Matteo nodded. "That still doesn't make any sense on why they want h-" There was an ear piercing scream coming from Kinsleys room. "Go." Unlce Rocco said.

   The older boys pulled guns from their waste bands, filing out the door and over to Kinsleys room. The ones without guns were able to fight off whatever may be going on. That's the training for you.

   We stood outside her room, listening. Andrew busted the door down. "She's not in here." Carlo said. "The windows open." Roman seethed. Matteo instantly pulled out his phone, along with all of the uncles.

   I left the room, going to talk to the guards at the front. "Did anybody leave, maybe 10 or so minutes ago?" The guard turned from his position. "Yes sir. Mario Russo." He said, pushing some button. I pulled out my phone calling Matteo.

M: Matteo,  C: Caiden.

M: "What."
C: "She's gone."
M: "What. What do you mean."
C: "I mean she's fucking gone. I talked to the guards. Uncle Mario just left."
M: "Get back in here."

   He hung up the phone. I walked back into the house back into the office space that was to small for this many people that are pissed off.

   "I called Keaton. Ty, one of his friends, is an excellent tracker." Matteo said rather calmly.

"How'd you just leave her alone like that!" Keaton stormed in.

K I N S L E Y ' S   P O V

    "Let me go!" I cried as I was hoisted over someones shoulder. "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch. You're not going anywhere." A man said. I winced from the impact of the floor.

   "I need you to listen and listen well. I don't have much time to talk to you." Someone came from around the corner. "Uncle Mario. Please. Let me go. We can work something out you don't ha-" "SHUT UP KINSLEY. Let me talk!" He said, slapping his hand to my mouth.

   I nodded, tears pooled in my eyes. He sighed, "Listen, I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to even agree to this task but it was either I agree or die. And I didn't want to die." He whispered, leaning down on one knee.

   "I'm not your fathers brother. I was adopted by your grandparents when I was five. When I was 15, I got involved in some deep deep shit. I messed with people I shouldn't have and lets just say that's where I'm at now, still in deep shit. If you get out of here-" He paused, looking into my eyes. "Alive," My eyes widened, "You cannot tell anybody about this, alright." He said, moving his finger between the both of us. I nodded vigorously.

   "I got involved with the Russian mafia. They want you, Kinsley. The Russians and your family, the Italians, they have bad blood for each other. I was ordered to get you, bring you here, and well, they do the rest." He finished. "I can't be here when they get here. I have to go." he said, slowly backing out of the room.

   "No. NO. GET BACK HERE, please." I whispered the last word. I tried getting up but soon figured out I was tied to the pole. I groaned and threw my head against the pole.

    "Well, well, well. Who do we have here." A new man said, grabbing my chin roughly to make me look up to him. "Your name, slut." He spat. I winced at his hold. "YOUR NA-" "Kinsley." I whispered.

   "Ahh she does have a voice after all." He taunted. "Were leaving. Get up. Oh! That's right. You can't!" He laughed, pulling a knife out of his pocket.

   He slowly moved the knife across my cheek, down my arm then behind my back to cut the ropes digging into my wrists. I got up quickly, like I thought running was even an option.

   "You try to run and you will die. Simple." He whispered in my ear. I shivered but nodded. He held a gun to my head. "One word, one movement in a way we aren't going, this gun will be the last thing you see. Understand." He said, gripping my arm. I nodded again.

   He stopped walking. "Your words принцесса." My eyes widened again, "Y-yes sir." He nodded while walking forward again. We walked out of the confined room, a large amount of guys with guns spread around the area.

    I was thrown harshly into the back of a van, multiple men followed in after. "If any of you touch her, you're dead." The mysterious Russian man said, closing the door.

    A small light turned on, letting me look at at least ten men all staring back at me, grins sitting on their faces. I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the seat.


    We had finally arrived at the mysterious place. I kept my eyes closed the whole ride here, I couldn't stand seeing those men look at me like I was just some piece of meat.

   "Get out." One of the men said, pulling me out of the seat. I jerked my arm out of his hold, a disgusted look set on my face.

   I looked up, seeing an old rusted warehouse, looking as if one person were to step inside, the whole thing would turn to dust. I was tossed around by a few men until the mysterious Russian man got a hold of me.

   I was tossed into a small room, instantly locked onto one of the many many poles. "You stay right here! I mean its not like you're going to get far, but it's fine." He said, opening the door.

   "What's your name?" I asked cautiously. "What?" He stopped in his tracks. "What's your name?" I asked again, this time in a whisper.

"My name's Maxim."




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