11. Leave

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You ready for this?



Parking in front of the diner, I have a plan to show that dickhead that Lily isn't fucking available for his advances. The disturbing amount of jealousy I felt last night when I saw them together left no room for doubt in my heart that I like her. What's there not to fucking like?

We still have a lot to learn about one another, and I promised her we will, but firstly, I need to get this dick out of the picture.

Spotting Lily grinning as usual at her costumers, I watch how beautiful she looks in the purple dress she wore on her first day here. She took my breath away then and she still does now.

As if she can feel my presence, she turns around and finds my eyes. Excitedly, she makes her way over to me. "Good morning."

"Morning, Lily." I tuck a strand of her soft hair behind her ear and she blushes deliciously for me. Fuck, if that isn't the hottest thing ever. She makes me ache for her in a way I had lost hope to ever feel. She's my goddamn miracle.

"Are you just stopping by or will you stay?" She asks shyly and I grin at her because she fucking does that to me.

"I'll stay for a while." I nod and her smile widens. It makes me fucking happy and proud of myself. "But I want a kiss first."

Lily stumbles on her feet like a dork, gasping. "W-what?"

"You owe me a kiss." I shrug. "I gave you one last night, didn't I?"

She narrows her eyes at me, my smart little minx. "Technically, we're now even."

I glare at that. "Give me a fucking kiss, Lily."

My voice was a bit louder than I intended and she quickly slaps a palm on my mouth, her eyes looking around us in embarrassment. Stepping on her toes, she moves her hands to my shoulders and tugs me down enough for her soft lips to touch my cheek in a kiss a lot more brief than I wished for. But I'll take what I can fucking get.

My satisfaction comes in the form of a grin especially when my eyes catch that fucking Luke watching us a few feet away with clenched fists and an angry frown.

"Happy?" Lily asks me with a cute frown.

"Ecstatic." I wink at her playfully. She rolls her eyes but I can see her smile as she walks ahead and leads me to an empty booth.

"I'll get you a coffee." She announces before she walks away, and a part of me is happy that she knows how I like my coffee. It means that she pays attention to me and that does something to my pathetic cold heart.

My eyes never leave her figure as she works. She fucking intrigues me. She's so small, yet has enough energy to lighten up a damn room. Especially when she smiles like that.

I know I have a smile of my own as I watch her chat away with people, but it is soon knocked right off when I see some fucker's hand rise up to grab her ass.

The idea of a person touching another without their consent hits too close to home. But when the one being touched is my fucking Lily, all I see is red as I stand up.



I gasp at the sudden feeling of someone squeezing my ass and turn around quickly to see the man smirk at me. I step away enough for his hand to fall, a deep frown on my face. I'm about to open my mouth and tell him off when he's suddenly pulled to his feet by his shirt. Colton lands a strong punch right across the guy's jaw with enough force to have him drop to the floor.

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