35. The Last Thing I do

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Your comments on the last chapter helped me sooo much! So I'm gonna need you to do it again, okay??



I run my way over to Gabe, who's leaning against his car, on the phone with his dad. Once he sees me, he ends the call and points at the diner.

"She's still inside." He states, scrolling through his phone to find the pictures he took of the notes that were sent to Lily. "I got those."

"Show me." I demand, and he's quick to take out the piece of paper charity gave him earlier. He flips it open, and I read a bunch of numbers followed by the same neat handwriting that has been terrorizing my Lily for weeks.

Give me a call whenever, handsome.

"Let's go." I don't wait for his response before making my way to the door, ready to find Charity, only she pulls the door from the inside and almost slams into me. She snaps her head up, her eyes quickly spotting Gabe, and she smiles at him.

"Hey." Blushing, she waves a hand. "I thought you'd text first."

"We need to speak with you." Gabe jumps straight to the point, his face void of any emotion other than determination.

"Uhm," Charity frowns and gives us a hesitant nod. "What is this about?"

Gabe points to the side, and we both follow. He takes out his phone.

"It's about Lily." I say, my voice cold, hard and threatening. "What the fuck do you want with her?"

Charity frowns again. "Who the hell is Lily?"

"Anne." Gabe adds.

"Oh," she smiles. "What about Anne? What do you mean what do I want with her? Nothing. I like her. She's super cute, and she was extremely nice to me and everyone else while she worked here."

"Stop playing fucking dumb." I demand, taking a step closer to her. I wouldn't fucking touch her but she doesn't know that.

She quickly takes one back and her eyes widen in fear. "What the hell do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about?"

"He's talking about this." Gabe shows her one of the notes. "Isn't this your handwriting?"

"Yes, it is." She nods with a confused look between her eyes. "Where did you get that?"

I let out an angry groan. "I'm about two fucking seconds from losing my patience here. I'm gonna ask you one last time. What the fuck do you want with my girlfriend? Because if you think you can hurt her, you're deadly wrong."

Charity's face pales.

"My father is a cop, did you know that?" Gabe adds with a little chuckle.

"Okay." She swallows, shaking her head in confusion and fear alike. "There must be a huge misunderstanding here, because I seriously have no idea what you're on about. What does this stupid sentence have anything to do with Anne?"

I frown, wondering for a second if she's that good of an actress or if she truly doesn't know what's going on here.

"This note, along with this one," Gabe scrolls, showing her another one, and then another, "this one, and this one, and a couple more have been left in black envelopes everywhere Lilian goes. And this last one is an obvious threat. So tell me again, why the fuck have you been stalking her?"

Her frown deepens and she shakes her head again, swallowing with quickened breaths. "I haven't been stalking anyone. This doesn't make any sense."

She takes a step back and starts pacing, right to left, having a quiet conversation with herself. "Why would he do that? Why would he threaten her?"

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