38. It Would've Been Easier

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Gabe turns off the car, and we both quietly get out.

"We'll go on foot from here, just in case." He suggests, and I nod my head.

It's dead silent and dark. If we take the car, we'll notify them of our presence before we even find them.

Taking a couple of steps away from the vehicle, I look around, scanning the abandoned buildings until my eyes spot a window, its curtains pushed slightly to the side, and light is seeping through.

"There." I quickly point. "They have to be there. The only building that has some light."

Gabe nods and calls his father once again. And I take deep breaths, calming myself for what I'm about to do. Gabe and I freeze the second we hear an engine, and we take cover against my jeep.

"It's Dave." I whisper when he stops his car behind mine, and we move to quickly meet them.

Dave makes his way over to me, his eyes shining with regret. "I'm so sorry I couldn't keep her safe. I wasn't fast enough."

"We'll get her back." I assure him because I won't stop until I do. "There."

Gabe explains everything to everyone, how we found Luke's apartment and how we made it here, adding that the police are on the way.

"I need to get closer to make sure she's in there." I tell them.

"We can check every building here." Leo suggests, his face set in a hard scowl, just as determined as the rest to save Lily and deal with the fucker who thought he could get away with hurting one of our own.

"No," Steve shakes his head. "That'll take a while, and we might not be quiet enough. We don't want to alert them."

"Let's inch our way to that building first." I say, pointing again at the window, because my heart keeps pounding in my chest in a way that I want to trust in. Lily might not be in there, but the possibility is big enough for me to head there first.

They all nod and side by side we make our way through the darkness as quietly as possible.

"Fuck, stop!" Dave whispers, his arms spreading beside me to get us all to halt. "Look."

We follow his gaze to find the front door of the building slowly open, the squeaking of the old wood too loud. A masculine figure makes his way outside, jogging to a car.

"It's Alex." I whisper.

"Want me to knock him out, cap?" Leo asks.

Lily will have greater odds at staying safe if all she has to handle is Luke until the cops get here. All I want to do is press fucking pause so both fuckers freeze, unable to touch a hair of her head until help comes.

But I don't know how long that will take them, and I don't know if this bastard is planning on taking his car and running. I won't let him escape.

"Sneak on him, don't give him a heads up. And be quiet." I instruct.

"You got it, boss." He grins at me, and I know that this gives him too much of a thrill. Leo likes to fight. He finds a certain amount of euphoria when his adrenaline and competitive nature is brought alive. Whenever he's not in the shop, he is in a fighting rink.

We all remain perfectly still and silent, hiding in the shadows of the night, as we watch Leo reach Alex. He gives a low whistle that has Alex jumping and turning around, and Leo punches him square in the temple before he could even full his lungs with enough oxygen to use it for a shout.

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