17. Belonging

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Colton and I are meeting Ali and Dave for dinner tonight. We're going to a restaurant, they said. I'm worried about it being too fancy for me, but I try to not let that show on my face as Colton drives us there. I'm worried about the money too, because even though Colton won't let me pay, I still don't want him to pay too much either.

I'm also worried I might be underdressed. My white dress has a small coffee stain, because Liam bumped into me this morning when he was still half asleep. I tried to fix it in the bathroom as much as I could, so it's not so obvious now, but it's still there. All in all, this white dress has seen better days. It's also quite wrinkled from working behind the counter all day in the tattoo shop. I'm wearing my sandals proudly, because they still work, and I'm glad for that. Yet when Colton stops the car, hands the keys to a valet, and opens my door for me, I feel incredibly out of place.

I should've insisted on Colton to drive me back to the dorm instead of riding here together, but I only thought we were going to a diner or something as such. Maybe if I had known they were planning on taking me to a restaurant that the president likes to eat at, I could've borrowed something presentable from Alice, since nothing I own would be fitting for this dinner.

Colton grabs my waist and sets me on my feet next to the car, as he usually does, and I thank him, my eyes still moving around the building ahead.

"You look sad." Colton states with a glare, as if he's ready to eliminate whatever it is the reason behind my expression. Damn him for always being observant.

"I'm good." I send him a smile, hoping to ease that glare a little. "I just didn't expect us to have dinner somewhere so... extravagant."

Colton's face softens and he grabs my hand, entwining our fingers together, before he starts leading me inside. "Dave said Alice has been whining about going on a double date with us for a while now, so when you said you were up for dinner tonight I told him we're free. He chose the restaurant."

I stumble over my feet like an idiot, his words ringing in my head. Colton quickly latches his hands to my waist, steadying me and I catch his frowning eyes with wide shocked ones. "What did you just say?"

His frown deepens and he looks a little nervous that he might have said something mean or rude, but when he finds nothing of that sort he repeats his words carefully. "Alice wanted the four of us to go on a double date. I asked you this morning if you're okay with us going out and you said yes. So I told Dave that we'll meet them wherever he decides."

Frowning at him, I shake my head, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm only now realizing I'm on a date with Colton. Colton who I've spent days wondering when he will finally ask me out. "And you didn't think about mentioning that to me? That this is technically a date? One that you haven't even asked me on in the first place?"

Colton's frown turns from confused to hurt and he subconsciously tightens his hold on my hand, as if he's afraid I might pull it away. "You don't want to be here with me?"

Shaking my head again, I take a calming breath. "That's not what I'm saying, Colton. But why haven't you asked me on a date if you want to take me on one? And even after you simply decided that, why didn't you let me know? Don't you think I would've wanted to dress up a little, maybe? Or, I don't know, just prepare myself for this, Colton?"

I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear in frustration, my eyes moving around the expensive looking restaurant. Everyone seated looks like they just showered, shaved, and put on their best clothes, while I look like I'm going to the drug store to grab some tampons. Surely, I would've found something better to wear for a double date with Colton. I would've straightened my hair instead of having it so messy, put on some make up too.

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