37. His Happiness

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Should've waited for at least another ten days before I update.

I absolutely suck at being patient...

A little warning, this is gonna be an emotional one, guys!

Don't forget to let me know how you like it because I literally check my phone every 20 seconds to see if any of you commented, so put me out of my misery!

Love you! Enjoy.



All I can do is stare at the photo of the woman who looks almost exactly like my Lily, and I feel my heart beating its way out of my chest, as if it has expanded in size and my ribcage can no longer contain it.

"Anne." Her name leaves me in a whisper, my fingers grazing the slightly blurry picture. Her hair is a lot shorter than my Lily, a little more brown too. Her eyes are a pure shade of blue, not my favorite mix of teal.

And then my eyes move to the two figures standing beside her, each on one side. Identical twins who Luke is indeed one of.

It's not Alex, that's all I can think about. It's not Alex. It's the both of them, is all I can repeat inside my head.

Alex was the one to drop the letters inside Lily's dorm and her notebook. He might have been the one to kidnap her, too. But Luke is the one who orchestrated this whole thing.

Luke has Lily because he was in love with Anne, and I don't fucking know what he plans to do with her.

"Colt!" Gabe runs into the room, phone in hand. "You need to hear this."

"Son, you have to listen to me." Mr. Prior's voice is urgent and certain as it blares through the phone. "Travis Roberts had a twin brother. Lucas is his name, and he left town a couple of months after his brother's passing."

I let my eyes scan the room again, looking for anything more that might help me find where Luke has taken Lily.

That's all that matters. That's all I need to do. Find Lily.

"I guess Colt figured that part out on his own, dad." Gabe states when he catches no surprise on my face and a picture frame in my hand. "What else you got?"

"When you told me that Lilian's mother sold the house, I looked into it, just in case she was lying." He says, and my eyes fall back to the phone.

"Was she?" I ask.

"No, she wasn't." Comes his reply. "Turns out she has sold it to a Mrs. Mary Roberts."

"The mother?" Gabe asks, his eyes briefly meeting mine and I know I have a frown on my face that matches his.

"Yes." His father says. "I paid her a visit. Her son transferred the money for the house a few days ago and asked her to put her name down and not his. She said he was planning to move in in a couple of months with his girlfriend. She knows nothing else, she was genuinely confused and worried."

"Maybe he has Lily there." Gabe suggests.

"I checked the house myself not ten minutes ago." Mr. Prior sighs. "No one is there. It's fully furnished, looks like he bought everything inside from Lilian's mother as well. There was just one room that had a few item's missing, but random, I couldn't find a pattern. Curtains, bed sheets, and a few notebooks that collected dust on a desk. Nothing of importance."

"Where the fuck is he keeping her then? He must have had all of this planned." Gabe starts pacing, and I turn around to take a minute to think, to try and figure this out because Lily's life depends on it. Because my life depends on it too.

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