Chapter 1• A sunny day and rainy thoughts.

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X's POV:

I was just laying down under a tree for shade while four was hosting cake at stake, it was really hot today.. I wish i had a fan or something. 5 minutes passed until i decided to go to me and fours cabin. I arrived at the cabin and was surprised to see four there fanning themselves.

"Hey four! Im surprised to see you here, aren't you supposed to be looking out the contestants?" "Ehehe, sorry x, its like, actually really really hot outside, just like how hot you are."

Four exclaimed, i started to blush really hard. "F- four!! Are you using a pick up line from google or something?!-" Four looked at me really confused and nervous, they just.. Stared at me for like a minute.. "OH!- oh- im REALLY SORRY X, I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY, ITS JUST- ITS JUST LIKE!- YOU'RE TEMPERATURE HOT, I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY!!-" Four stammered alot in that sentence, im really stupid for jumping into conclusions, i probably made four nervous..

"Oh, its okay four!! Sorry for jumping into conclusions, but yeah, its really hot outside and inside"

Four's POV:

I screwed up, i accidentally said a pick up line to x without realizing!! I think i should've specified a little more on the word "hot".. I mean people think about it differently, like hot in temperature, hot in gorgeous/handsome, hot in-

" FOUR!!" X was snapping his fingers and yelling my name, repeatedly. startled, i snapped back into reality. "Sorry x! I- i uh, spaced out for a second, what were you saying?" X looked a bit mad but they calmed down.

"Well, while the contestants are busy, why dont we go to the park for a little stroll! Maybe that'll refresh our minds or something" "Sure" Since we're gonna have alot of free time, and i do wanna spend time with x..

Third person's POV:

X was getting ready to go to the park, since it was the windiest place x could think of. Four was already done, they were waiting for x. 10 minutes passed and x was done. "Alriigghhtt!! Lets go!!" X happily cheered, four was looking at them in delight, Four teleported both of them to the park.

"Its so hot still.. But its still nice to have a little wind!!" X exclaimed, they both sat on the bench, X was laying down in fours lap. "Hey four, while we're here, wanna tell our problems to eachother?" Four looked a little scared, but knowing x, four knew they wouldn't make fun of four. "Yeah, sure little buddy!"

"Okay, so uh, sometimes i have these nightmares that you found someone else to be a better Co - host than me.. They would be more mature, and more serious, probably everything you wanted a co host to be, four.. I would try to brush off the fact that if you found someone else better than me you would replace me... But i just can't!! These stupid thoughts makes me think that you would replace me.. But you wouldn't d- do that, right?.."

X started to tear up a bit and try not to worry four, but in the end x cried and four had to comfort them.

Four's POV:

I.. I didn't know what to say to x's sentence.. Before i knew it, x was crying, i couldn't stand to see x sad. "Hey, hey x! Dont worry, i would never replace you.. I- i dont know why you would think i would pick a  'serious and mature' co-host over you.. You dont have to be perfect to be good in my eyes, x.. You're already the best co host i could ask for! You're caring, you're funny, you're sweet,adorable, all of it! What more can i ask? Plus, we've been best friends ever since you moved in number land!"

X's POV:

Fours words managed to cheer me up, i wanted to sit straight in the bench but four stopped me "mmmmmh i like you laying down on my lap, your just so warm, sorry." I mean i couldn't blame them, i was out in the sun for 3 hours before so.. Yeah i could see why i would be warm.

*ring ring ring*

I sitted straight back up as four grabbed his phone to turn his timer off

Four groaned "Great.. The challenge is over.. Just great, literally when we were relaxing.. Sigh"

"Well, thats okay! Me and you can go somewhere else next time!!" I tried cheering four up, guess that worked a bit, i guess.

"Yeah, you're probably right, x, i should teleport us back before the contestants know we've been somewhere else" I nodded as four snapped his fingers back to the cabin, just in time as leafy barged in. Breaking our door down.

"Uh, hey guys! I just wanted to make sure you guys were here since 3 minutes passed of four not announcing 'times up' also, sorry for your door!" Leafy exclaimed and then left.

"LEAFY, COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE GREEN COCKROACH!! I SWEAR IF YOUR TEAM LOSES YOUR TEAM IS FIXING MY DOOR!!" His words trailed off, i attempted to fix the door but i also wanted to know which team lost, i ran to four as fast as i can

"Well, just 'fortunate' of you, BËËP. Your team was the LAST TEAM TO COLLECT 10 PHOTOS. That means your team is up for elimination! Plussss, You're fixing our door that leafy broke down."

"Are you serious leafy?!" Baloony yelled angrily at leafy, but that doesnt changes the fact that they had to fix our door.

It was nighttime as BËËP finished fixing our door, just in time as me and four were about to go to bed. Im happy about tomorrow since me and four have until 3 weeks until the next challenge, so we had plenty of free time.

I hopped on my bed as four was almost ready to sleep.

"Night, four!"

"Night, x."

I turned the lamp next to me off.

~•End of chapter•~

Word count: 1,017

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