Chapter 13• Skateboarding

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X's POV:

Its morning time, i went to the kitchen. Four was there drinking coffee, he looked at me and smiled. "Oh, hey x!" "O- oh.. Hi four!!" I run down the stairs and hugged four "e- eh? Whats wrong, x?" He looked confused, i wonder why "you dont remember what happened yesterday?" He blankly stared at me for a couple of seconds "o- oh! That.. im really sorry x, i was being a bit over reactive yesterday.." He hugged me back, i could feel him crying a bit "its okay, four.. I forgive you.. And im sorry too." I wiped his tears as he looked away, flustered. He's just so adorable when he's flustered.. "Im gonna cook today, x" "okayy!!" I sat on the counter watching four cook, he
a great cook but he makes delicious pancakes! I watch as he pour the batter on the pan. "Well.. While im waiting for this to cook, what do you wanna do today, x?" "Hmmm... Maybe.. Skate? A new skate park not far from here opened up" "ah, maybe we should!" I noticed the pan catching on fire "uhm.. Four.." "Erm, yeah?" I pointed at the pan as four came back to his senses

"Oh, no no no no no no no no no no no no! Stand back, x!" I stood back as four snaped his fingers to get a fire extinguisher and quickly put out the fire. "Phew.. That was.. Unfortunate.. Sorry, x.." "Its okay, accidents happen.. But the house smells stinky now" "well, maybe its a good opportunity to go the that skatepark you were talking about" "yeah, probably.. Can you teleport us there right now?" I stood next to four. "Well, x.. I have to imagine what the park looks like, maybe you can tel-" "i dunno how to do it, but i can show you pictures on google maps!" Four nodded as i took my phone out, i showed him the area "hmmmm.. Alright, i think i can teleport us there, hold my hand!" I held fours hand as he teleported us to the skatepark. "Woah! Its so.. Quite, infact there's no one here except us.." "Well, thats good, x" i guess, four summoned skateboards for us to skate with "y'know, x.. I actually skated back before we met! Although that was a very long time ago.. Im not really sure if i got the hang of it" "thats okay, four! I can teach you, but before i do, maybe you should try and skate on your own? I dunno.. Maybe you still remember!" "Mmmm.. Alright!" Four took his skate board and started skateboarding, to my surprise he actually did a 360! "Woah! I didn't know you could do that, four!" "Well, good to know i still got the hang of it, hehe!"

Four's POV:

Im gonna be honest.. That was so scary i don't wanna do a 360 again. But x seemed to be impressed. "Wanna try, x?" "Eh? I dunno how to do a 360 kickflip.." "Thats okay, I'll protect you with my magic so if you fall, you wont get hurt!" X giggled "wwooowww~ i feel speciaaall!~" i giggled as well, x is so precious..

Disclaimer: i ain't someone who does skateboarding myself so anything four says is just me being stupid 😄

"Okay, x.. Just skate normally and weigh your back leg even more.." "Like this? ACK-" "Be careful, x! But yeah, like that, but lighten the weight of your front leg too." "ookay" "just jump slightly after you somewhat feel like you've lifted your skateboard a bit, and kick the back a bit, OH YEAH, REMEMBER TO BEND OVER!" "Okay, got it!" I watch x attempt their second try, it almost succeed but x almost fell over. Luckily my magic caught them. X tried again and succeed! "Well done, x! Im so proud of you!!" "Thanks, four!!"

We skated around the place for a bit, we skated on small ramps for a bit, too. "Four?" "Mmmyeah??" Wanna try skating on the big ramp?" "Erm.. Sure!" We climbed over to the big ramp, x was seemed so excited "okay, are you ready, four?!" "Yep!.. X.. Wait, your skate board!-" "hu-aaAHHHHH!!" x almost fell down the big ramp but luckily just in time i skated down and caught x, bridal style.. "Well.. I- uh.. This is awkward.." ".. Yeah.. But, thank you, four! I could've been injured badly there!" "Yeah, your welco-" x interrupted me by kissing me on the cheek.. I drop x down as he did that, i don't wanna have him see me blush!.. He knows exactly what he's doing.. "Ouchie!" "I know what you're doing, you adorable thing.." I whispered that last part quietly so x couldn't hear it. "But fouurr!! I can't help it, you look cute like that! Hehe~" i could feel my face being a tint of purple.. Darn it, x really knows how to play with me, huh?

"W- well!!.. Mmmmmngh.. Whatever!!" x giggled again "fine, fine I'll stop, promise!" "Well, its getting late, x.. I think we should head back" "aww.. Okay!" I teleported us back home, we were starving since i.. Burned our pancakes and we have nothing to eat, i just got some already made pancakes since i know how much x loves pancakes. "Oh yeah, x. There are some pancakes on the table if you wanna eat! I already ate a bit when you woke up." "okay, four! Have a good night sleep!" "Okay, night x! See ya in bed" i drag my tired body up the stairs to our bedroom, i brush my teeth and went in my bed.

A few minutes later i heard the bedroom door open, and then the faucet turned on, it was probably x brushing his teeth after eating pancakes. I heard the faucet turn off and the light switch turn off, x crawled onto.. My side of the bed? "what're you doing?.." "Oh.. I just wanna cuddle with you, thats all!" "Oh, okay." The yellow variable crawled behind me and cuddled me, we both drifted off to sleep..

~•End of chapter•~

Word count: 1020

Authors note: TYSM FOR 400+ READS AND 18 VOTES ALREADY!! :D PLUS.. HUH? #3 IN #Bfb?! Seriously, what the heck?! I can't express how greatful i am! I know it wont last long but i wanna remember this moment, lol..

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