Chapter 7• Why wont you confess?

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Huge time skip 2 weeks later (two took over fours show)

Four's POV:

Todays the worst day ever, its two's birthday. Well, two's still my 'friend' so I'll still attend his birthday party. I guess he's not THAT bad.. I guess.. I groaned as i hoped out of x's bed, x was making breakfast and a birthday cake for two. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. "Oh hey four!" X greeted me. "Hey x, how's the cake doing?" "Good! Also, can you frost the cake? Im going to the store today to buy the sprinkles and other cake decorations" i said sure as x took the cake out of the oven. "The foods on the table and the frosting in on the counter! I'll be going now, bye four!" "Bye, x!" I loved frosting cakes since me and x were little! I took the green frosting and began to frost the cake.

An hour passed and i was done frosting the cake, x also returned rather quick. "Hey fourr, i am baacckk!!~" x hapily cheered, he went to the kitchen and looked at the cake i frosted, he look stunned. "Oh wow! I never expected you to frost a cake this well, four!" "Im flattered, x!" X began to grab a stool and put the finishing touches on top. "Okay, are you ready to head to twos house now?" X nodded as i held the cake and snapped my fingers. "Hello two, h-" "-APPY BIRTHDAAYYYYY!!!" I got cut off by x's energenic voice, i didn't really mind, I think.  "oh wow, what a surprise! Thank you so much x and four!" I handed two their cake as they putted it on the table. The other numbers were here, so was- "hey four!" Two came up behind me, i jumped a bit in shock. "Hi two, happy birthday!" "Thank you, four. But we need to talk a bit in private" "alright, sure two, x im gonna-" i turned around to see x gone. "He's chatting with his sister if you're wondering." "Oh, okay. Thanks two." I said groaning, i followed two into his room. "Please dont think anything weird of this four, im not in love with you and i wont do anything creepy, just locking the door so no one comes in during our conversation." I nodded as two locked his door. "So, blue friend! How you doin? I know its been a while and you probably dont really consider me as a.. 'Friend' after what i did.. Im very sorry, four. But this isnt about me 'stealing' the show, i just wanted to talk something about you and x" "well what did you wanted to talk about?" I was a bit nervous of what he was gonna say, well who knew my nightmare began right here. "Well, x may not know this, even though its obvious.. But i know you have a crush on x." "W- what? How could you think that?!we're just best friends thats really close, thats all.. Ahaha.. " i think two didn't belive me. "Four, you know i can read minds, right? But im not going to really bother reading yours right now since i already know you're lying, cmonn just tell me! I know im bad in your eyes but its not like I'll come up to x and tell him everything. Im not THAT evil."

"Thats EXACTLY WHAT IM AFRAID OFF!!, how can I trust YOU after what YOU DID!" I think i yelled too loud because me and two heard x and five knocking on the door.. Why must my voice be so loud when i yell? "Uhhhh, four? You alright in there? Is two there with you? Why are you yelling?" "U-uuhh.. Nothing five!! We just saw a rat in here, thats all!!" Just as five was about to leave, x just had to blow my cover. "But four, aren't you not afraid of rats?" "E-erm... N- no x! A rat was on my head and i wasn't expecting that!" Two face palmed at my lame excuse "seriously? " two whispered at me. "Oh, alright."Five said, Both of them left the door, "anyways.. Why dont you confess to x?" "Are you crazy, two?! I- ii.. I cant.. i just cant bring myself to!" "Hmmmmmmmmm, well, you can practice with me!" What. "Two, what in the actual living fuck do you think its a good idea to Let me practice with you?" "Well.. Sigh you kinda have a point, so i dont blame you, just go practice with a tree or something."

X's POV:

I headed downstairs with five, im just curious of what four was yelling about.. A few minutes later four came out of twos room looking angry, "cmon x, lets go. The party's over" four held on my hand as he was about to teleport us, eh.. It was getting kinda boring here also. We returned back to the Pilarry ruins, we see the contestants were playing volleyball "Aw, look four! They're having fun!" Four tired-ly answered ".. Yeah, thats nice, im heading back to the hosts cabin, go have fun or something, x" and that he walked off to the cabin. I wanna play volleyball with the contestants :D

Four's POV:

I made my way to the cabin, im just gonna make hot chocolate for me and x since its really cold. As i was making hot chocolate, x came running in, crying. "Four!! I sprained my ankle while playing volleyball with the contestants!!" "Oh my god, x! Please be careful next time, you know i cant always be around with you!" I wish i can though.

To be continued next chapter

~•End of chapter•~

Word count: 953

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