Chapter 9• Prison

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Takes place between BFB 22 and BFB 23 (nighttime basically)

X's POV:

"Why would i like you? You're honestly ugly and useless, you're the worst co- host ever. I regret inviting you here."



Oh.. It was just another dream, why do I keep getting these dreams? Its honestly getting kinda tiring. I look at our alarm clock and its 4AM. fours gone so he might've woke up. I got out my bed and headed down stairs, four was not there.. I ran to the living room and he wasn't there too!! Okay x, calm down.. You can manage the night without him, maybe he's just getting ready for cake at stake somewhere else.. But isnt this a little too early for that?.. I return to the kitchen and made my self a sandwich for a midnight snack, even though its technically morning.

I finish eating and i went outside, i decided to ask firey if he'd seen four since he's the only one up on the have nots. "Firey, firey!!" I ran to firey who was cleaning the railway "huh? Whats up, x! You need something?" "No, i was just wondering if you seen four!" "Well, i did see him getting taken away by cops, didn't quite hear what the reason was, i only heard 'trespassing', they took four to the mountain and put him in a jail" "oh.. Thanks firey!!" I ran to the mountains as fireys 'no problem' trails off, i heard screaming what seemed to be fours voice. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Yep, thats him. "X! You gotta help me!!" "Oh my god, what happened four?!"  "Well, i was arrested for the crime of trespassing into a court room i didn't own!! Wah!!" "Well four, i would love to help you out.. IF THAT MOUNTAIN ISN'T SO WEIRDLY SHAPED!!" I can't even climb that, how the sandwich did the cops even climb that to jail four? "Hmmmmmm, since you can't help me, this can be todays challenge i suppose.. X!! You can host the cake at stake today while I'll do the challenge announcement, you just need to make sure that the contestants know where i am!" What? Host cake at stake?.. The last time i did it alone, i readed the votes backwards!! "Oh, well.. I'll.. Try, four!" "Thanks x, i love you!!" I covered my face to hide my blushing.

Host cake at stake alone, huh? I won't mess up this time, for sure. I grab my ipad and began to count the votes. 6372.. 6373.. 6374! Looks like bubble will be eliminated! I went outside to see the contestants already awake, i looked at the cliff four was on and he way still trying to get the jail open. "Contestants, its cake at stake time!!"

After doing cake at stake

"X, where's four?" "Oh, they're over there!" I pointed at the cliff, leafy seemed stunned. "Its her, she's here" i heard the have cots saying.. They look 10 times scarier than before "the fashion queen has arrived to right this wrong. She will spread the glittery truth of her sweater empire, and rid this planet of haters." wait what the- "wait! I still dont understand!!" Literally what on ear-

Flower comes in and kicks x


Four's POV:

I was just laying in my jail until i heard screaming. "What the, x?!-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" ugh, I'll just announce the challenge and quickly catch x. I tried catching the contestants attention, i succeed "gah! My ears, they bleed!!" Honestly i dont care if flowers ears bleed, she kicked x!! "Okay four, we can hear you, what do you want?" I thought it would be obvious what i want, freedom! Or are they just too dumb to figure THAT out. "Contestants, i was jailed last night!! For the crime of trespassing into a court room i didn't own, wah!" "Isnt that.. Kinda your fault four?" "I dont care! I didn't want to waste too much budget!, now hush, gelatin!" "Contestants, you gotta save me! Who evers team breaks me out of this JAIL Wins!, go." While they were busy i teleported x to a nearby cliff since i couldn't teleport x here due to power disability, except recovery for some odd reason.

"THANKS FOUR!! OH YEAH, HOW DID I DO DOING CAKE AT STAKE?!" X yelled so i can hear them. "YOU DID GREAT, X!!" "HOW ARE YOU DOING THERE, FOUR?" "DOING FINE, THANKS. I'LL LAUNCH YOU BACK INTO THE AIR FOR YOU TO DO THE 'VOTE WHO YOU WANNA SAVE' ANNOUNCEMENT, X!!" "OKAY, FOUR!! I FEEL MY VOICE SLOWLY DYING FROM YELLING, WE SHOULD TALK LATER NOW, BYE!!" "BYE, X!!" And now im back alone with my thoughts, honestly i kinda like being alone. But im kinda wondering how long the contestants will take to free me. Im getting hungry, i didn't eat because i was taken away at 2 AM.

Im just gonna play tic tac toe with myself to pass the time. Gosh, its so boring here without x!! Usually when we're bored we draw doodles of each other or draw in our diary.. Or maybe even eat togeth- wait, why am i thinking about x?! I should be thinking what to do in the meantime!! But then again.. I spend way too much time with x.. I dont even know what 'solo' activities to do without x here! Gosh, stop it four!! Stop thinking of your co host!! We're just best friends!!.. But i wish we were more..

Gosh, whats taking these slow pokes so long?! Its been 30 minutes! My boredom cant wait.. I wanna see x again!

5 hours pass.

I have been listening to nothing but the have nots jumping, this is literal hell. I'd rather hear x talk than this!

2 hours pass.

"UAHHHHHH!!!" "Hm, whats that?! Sounds like gelatin just screamed to death! Gotta recover him. *recovery sounds* "o- hey four, nice weather we having, hm?" "Whatever." Oh well, at least i have company. "Huh? What the- this whole time, these bars just cardboard tubes, covered in metal paint?!" "Oh my gumdrop im saved, thank you so much, gelatin!! I will never forget you and your heroic deed, yipee!" I launched into the air heading x's direction, i saw he was at the beach. "Foury!! I missed youu!!" "I missed you too, x!!"

"Okay, time to launch you into the air for the announcement!" I launched x into the air, sideways. I'll get him back after he finishes talking.

Maybe i should.. Confess to him?.. I've been having these bottled up thoughts in my head that i cant seem to get out.. Maybe not too soon.

~•End of chapter•~

Word count: 1135 words

I just wanted to thank everyone for 200+ reads! You guys dont know how much this means to me! <3

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