chapter 8

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Scarletts pov

I didn't chase him I know this is what I wanted. But if it's what I wanted then it shouldn't feel this painful should it?. If I tell him about my past then he'll either pity me or reject me. I don't want his pity or anyone's for that matter. It hurts me more knowing I've hurt him but it's easier this way. I hear my dad go to speak but knowing what he'll say I hold out my hand. "Don't. I wanted this. It's just easier this way I can deal with the pain. I've had worse trust me" I whisper to him and walk away. I quickly go to my room, shutting the door quietly behind me I climb into bed. My head and heart hurts so all I can think is sleep. It didn't take me long and I felt myself drifting off.

Hunter's pov

I run into the woods shifting into my wolf and take off. I'm not leaving ill just live in the woods for a while and mask my scent. I know she didn't follow me and I didn't expect her to if I'm honest. I know that even if she did explain then she would never explain fully so what's the point in staying somewhere your not wanted. They say eyes are windows to the soul but if that's the case then why are hers so empty?

Jases pov

If I know my sister which I do then she didn't want him to know her past. I also know she wanted him to leave so she couldn't get hurt again because she's scared but she didn't mean for him to find out like he did. I know him leaving hurts her more than she cares to admit but she's the strongest person I know. If she thinks he's safe then she'll leave him alone. She put him first not thinking of the pain it would cause her.

Scarletts pov

I would say that I just woke up but I haven't. A week has passed since hunter left and all I can think about is him. My family brought me food up throughout the day daily but I didn't touch it. When I did I puked everything back up anyway so I stopped. I haven't left my bed all week and my nightmares have come back full force, the only who can calm me down is my dad still. But even that's becoming harder I know I need hunter but wherever he is I can only hope he's safe. My head throbbing painfully pulled me out of my thoughts. I groan and roll over seeing a glass and some pills near my bed I'm guessing my mum brought them in when I was asleep earlier. How did I not notice them? Well like I said I haven't moved so I haven't turned over. I drink some water and take the pain killers before downing the rest of the water. I place the glass down and grimaced at myself. How could my family come in here and not say anything I know I would have. I get up slowly feeling my muscles ache and I open my curtains and my balcony doors. Leaving them open I pull my bedding off my bed putting it to the wash. I clean my room thoroughly so it's spotless and stretch out my muscles properly.

Once my muscles are loose and back to normal I get in the shower. I wash my hair and body twice and shave everywhere needed. I grab a towel and wrap it around me getting out. I go to my closet and pick out some panties and a white sports bra along with some white loose shorts and a white baggy top that hangs over my shoulders and shows off half of my bare back. I have scars from the beatings .but I don't care even though my family's never seen them. I still haven't told them anything about what happened when they took me and they don't ask knowing I won't tell them.

I stay barefooted and pull my hair into a messy bun. I shut my bedroom door behind me as I walk out going downstairs. I go into the kitchen feeling my family's and pack members eyes on me as I make a drink. "You can look away now." I say cold to the pack members hearing some leave the room. I turn around sipping my drink and my mum looks nervous so I raise my eyebrow "tell me" I state. I've see that look before and I'm not going to like whatever she has to say. She bites her lip nervously "Urm your mate hasn't left the land yet.." she trails off. I already know this but I blocked my wolf off the day he left so I couldn't hear her bitch at me. "I know. What's your point" I say slowly knowing she's got more to tell me. She looks at my dad for help so he sighs "what your mother's trying to say is that some top warriors from out pack found him. They're killing him as we speak and I tried to tell you but you weren't listening. I've sent some men out to stop them because they've given there wolves control and are not listening to me." He says sounding wary. I froze, the glass from my hand slipping and smashed against the floor cutting my legs. "How many warriors? Why are you not there" I say slowly thinking of a plan. These warriors trained In the highest of fighting skills so I have to think first. "Your mother begged me not to and eight" he says. I snarl "eight! Fucking eight! He'll be killed." I then take off into the forest ignoring my family's shouts for me to stop.

If anyone can stop them it's me. I know I could get injured and I don't care. I need him to live. I stay in human form running for ten minutes faster than I've ever ran before and hear vicious snarls in the distance.

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