chapter 65

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My instincts woke me like the flick of a switch or a snap of the fingers.

My eyes shot open, my vision perfectly clear again. I found myself already on my feet in front of Leon as I began to kneel on the ground.

His tear stained face worried me and I gently grabbed his face in my hands, brushing his hair from his wet eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I whispered softly, looking down at him with concern. His big blue eyes were bloodshot and filled with pain.

"You didn't wake up, I thought...I thought you left me" he sobbed hurriedly wrapping his small delicate arms around my body. A searing pain hit my back and I tensed.

"Leon baby, you have to let go" I told him softly, trying to peel him from me but he only gripped me tighter.

By now I could barely withstand the pain travelling through me and I had no idea why.

I heard feet running towards us, my head snapped in their direction my eyes darkening until I saw who it was.

My ears were beginning to ring loudly, the pressure of Leon hold becoming too much to bare. Dark spots invaded my vision and I did my best to fight it as the person got closer.

"Let her go Leon, she's going to be ok" jace's voice said softly as he prised Leon off me carefully.

My body fell, I waited for the impact but it didn't come. My eyes weakly opened to look up at the person who had caught me. I smiled tiredly and let out a small laugh.


Those were my last mumbled confusing words before my eyes closed and darkness swept over me like a blanket.

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