Here we go again

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Readers POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm like most mornings and then sit up and think 'how did I get here' by that I mean how did I manage to flip my whole world upside down in three simple words 'I'm trans' and yes I know your thinking how did that mess up my life well it started 3 months ago when I came out as trans to my parents my dad was very excepting I was shocked at how well he took it my mom on the other hand she didn't take it as well as my dad she kicked me and my dad out we used to live in woodsboro but now we're in Hawkins it took us weeks to find this place a small conservative town in Indiana yup a conservative place were I would probably get jumped for being gay alone but gay and trans not a good mix here but anyways no one needs to know I'm trans or gay I found ways to make me look more like a boy so no one's gonna know

*Time skip*
I finally found my way to school I told my dad I would bike there but remembered I had no clue where I was going I barely made it the second I got inside the bell rang I sighed as I remembered all the stuff I have to do I have to go to the guidance counselor's office then the main office and by then it'll probably be lunch so I'll go and won't have anywhere to sit and-
"HELLO!?" Someone said while snapping me came back to reality I saw a guy standing there with slicked back hair and sunglasses he was waving his hands in your face and you looked at him confused "Finally I thought you were dead"The unknown man said you didn't know what to say "Who are you do I know you?" I said
Trying to sound as nice as possible he laughed a little and said "No I assumed you were doing the same as me and skipping class I got bored and though I would talk to you" I was confused on why he thought I was skipping I wouldn't do that on my first day "Oh no I'm new here I need to find the counselors office" I told him in hopes he would help me "Oh that makes since well the names Steve Harrington I can take you to Ms.Kelly's office" he said unfazed by my words "Oh really? Thank you I'm Y/N L/N" "So what brings you to Hawkins?" Steve asked me curiously I panicked and said "Things." Seriously things? That's all you could come up with you mentally scolded yourself "What kind of things? You know like- Oh here it is" Steve said I looked Up from the ground and saw a door that said 'Counselors Office' I felt relieved because I wasn't trying to lie to this guy I just met "Thank you Steve"
"No problem Y/N you can tell me bout those 'things' later" he smiled at me and I chuckled slightly before knocking and thinking 'Here we go again'

:) heyyy I will be updating again tomorrow but that's all right now sorry it's short

Eddie Munson x Trans!male reader (FTM) Where stories live. Discover now