Goddammit Eddie

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I see the school doors and gradually sped up my walking. I heard the cafeteria doors close behind me. 'Y/N WAIT!' Oh my fucking god does he not know when to quit. I hear his foot steps getting closer until he appears in front me telling me to wait. 'Y/N please wait please' he has stuck out his hand to prevent me from going. 'What the hell Eddie movie' I tried moving past him but he just kept backing up. 'Y/N please I just need you to listen to me' I looked at him with the most hateful eyes I haven't looked at someone like this since him. 'Eddie I'm giving you 5 fucking seconds' I mentally laughed seeing the panic in his eyes. 'Y/N why did you run out? I'm sorry I know you don't like that word and knew you wouldn't like it if I called you queer either o was just being a asshole' I looked at him 'Please Y/N I wanna be your friend' I felt the tears come back, I started to the door I was almost there but I felt a pare of arms wrap around my waist and stop me. I looked down and saw the rings and leather. I laughed while wiping the tear that fell down my cheek. I felt him rest his head on my shoulder 'Y/N he can skip together and take my van and go drive around and get high together' oh my god he's an idiot I can't believe I'm gonna go drive around and get high with him 'Eddie' I turned around as I said that. 'Yea?' He looked down at me while his arms where still wrapped around my waist 'Let's go' I smiled at him 'Ok' I realized how close we were and got nervous 'Eddie' he was making direct eye contact which made me even more nervous 'Yes?' I didn't want this moment to end but I couldn't let it continue I can't let a straight guy look all lovey dovey with a gay guy. 'We look gay right now' I giggled and I saw him look at the position we were in he immediately let go. 'Oh so you'll call me
But I can't call you queer?' I understood where he was coming from but gay is what I am and queer is an insult but he didn't have to know I was gay 'Shut up let's go' I started walking out the door of the school and he rushed behind me. 'So where's your van?' I said looking around 'Right I've here' he started walking towards an old beat up van and got in I quickly ran to get in the passenger seat 'So, where we going?' I asked making sure I wasn't about to get murdered 'I was thinking we go back to my place get high maybe drunk and then I'll take you home when you feel like it' godammit Eddie it's hard to hate you
Heyyyy sorry I know I said I would post yesterday but I fell asleep writing it so I finished it and here you go also do you guys want me to change Pov's? If so just let me know :)

Eddie Munson x Trans!male reader (FTM) Where stories live. Discover now