Was this love?

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Eddie POV
Ok today was the day I was finally gonna tell Jason I'm gay. Me and Jason had been friends since elementary school, since about 3rd grade. It was a before the 8th grade talent show me and my band had been practicing a song by KISS and because if everything went well with Jason then hopefully the song would be fitting

Me and Jason sat at our usual lunch table we were never really that popular so it was mainly just me and him. "So Eddie when are you gonna cut your hair?" Jason asked looking up at me from his tray "I dunno Jason I like it long like this" I said smiling at him "Well I mean yea I like it too it's just you don't know how to take care of it" he said smiling and laughing a bit as he reached over the table to touch my hair.

"What I do to know how to take care of it" I said getting offended he grabbed some of my hair and messed with it "No you don't look at this whens the last time you brushed it" he said pushing the strand of hair out of my face holy shit why did that give me butterflies whatever it's nothing. "That's none of your business" I said looking away "Come by my place after school weirdo I'll trim it up for you" he said finishing his food "And what do you know about hair?" I said looking up at him "More then you" he said standing up as I did the same we walked over to throw away our trays "Yea yea whatever" I said putting my food in the trash. "You've been growing it out since 4th grade it's practically touching your ass" Jason chuckled while throwing his plate away "I've been meaning to cute it shoulder length" I said as we walked out of the cafeteria "Alright then lets go" he said walking towards the school doors "Wait what lets go? Lets go where?" I asked standing in the same place confused "Lets go get you that haircut" he said smiling.

We were now at Jason's house and he had me bent over his bath tub because he was about to cut my hair but apparently he saw a 'spider' in my hair and freaked the fuck out. It wasn't a spider it was a piece of paper but we were already to far committed to stop he was still upset that there was anything in my hair. "Are you almost done yet? I'm getting all wet" I said annoyed at how bad of a job we was doing at keeping me dry "Almost" he said turning off the water "Done" he said sitting me up and handing me a towel. "Oh you got something right there" said wiling some soap off my cheek and shit that gave me butterflies to "O-oh" I said chuckling nervously.

"Tadaaa, what do you think? He said standing me in front of the bathroom mirror "WOAH I LOVE IT" I said looking at my self in the mirror "Really? I do to" he said smiling just as wide as me. After that we hung out watched some movies that he forgot to return, it was time for me to return back home to my uncles trailer. "You been hanging out with Jason all day?" My uncle asked as I walked inside "Yea he did you my hair you like it?" I said smiling while walking over to him in his chair "It looks great kiddo he said as he hugged me. I walked off to my room and set my backpack down by my bed I couldn't sleep all I could think about was how I felt for Jason was this love?

Eddie Munson x Trans!male reader (FTM) Where stories live. Discover now