But whyyy?

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Eddie and I both woke up again to the sound of his alarm. I heard him stop it and felt him get up. "What are you doing?" I asked curious as to why he got up "School c'mon have some clothes that might fit you" I was a little confused "Wait where actually going?" He looked at me just as confused as I had looked at him. "Uh yes?" He said adding some sass to his tone "Nooo I don't wanna" I pouted refusing to get out of bed "Y/n I swear to god if you don't get up I'll force you" he sounded serious it was kinda hot I kinda wanted to see how he'll 'force me' I looked him dead I'm the eyes and said "Then fucking force me" I smirked thinking he wouldn't do anything I was very mistaken. Before I knew it he had pulled the blankets off me and carried me firefighter style (I can't find any good photos so just google it if you don't know) all the way to the couch the whole time I was telling him put me down. He did eventually, He had thrown me on the couch and carried me like I weighed nothing "Strong
boy Munson" I said as I landed on the couch he laughed and started flexing his muscles in funny bodybuilder poses we both laughed and talked a little more. He walked off and came back with some clothes "Are you gonna change into these or do I need to force you to do that to?" He said raising one eyebrow I laughed and blushed a little as he threw the clothes at me. When I stood up I felt this terrible pain in my back and shoulder I groaned making Eddie turn around "Are you ok?" He asked I said yea then quickly realized what the pain was I had been wearing my binder for like 24 hours maybe more I rushed to the restroom and quickly took off my shirt and saw my ribs slightly bruised that's hike I knew I couldn't wear it any longer I rarely bruise because off my binder so I quickly took it off and started to panic. 'Oh god oh god oh god' I thought as I tried to figure out what to do my ribs weren't bruised that bad I can wear it just for school tho as soon as I get home I'm taking a break it's Friday anyway I put it back on and went to find Eddie. It didn't hurt to bad so I should be fine I guess "Hey ready to go?" "Yup" and so it began the worst school day ever literally a school day sent from hell I guess that's what I get for being gay but today might just be the worst day I I've ever had worse then the day I came out.
HEYY IM BACK sorry for not posting In a while everything's been kind of hectic right now but I'm back and yes I'll leave y'all on a cliffhanger I might post tomorrow might not depends but thank you so much for reading it's crazy how many people like my writing

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