Eddie wanna know something about Y/n

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I couldn't stop crying till I heard the bell ring outside I quickly finished up trying to wipe me eyes as I stood up there was this awful pain in my ribs I could barely breath and all the crying I just did didn't help at all god it's never hurt this bad before I lifted up my shirt and saw the bruising had gotten worse just as I had lifted my shirt my binder being visible I heard the door open I put down my shirt as soon as possible but they still saw I'm glad it wasn't a stranger it was Steve but still I was embarrassed. "Hey hey oh let me see that!" He said his face riddled with concern he rushed over trying to lift up my shirt "It's fine I'm fine" I said trying to get him away so he wouldn't see my binder "No stop I'm looking" he told me demandingly and lifted up my shirt "What's this? Bandages?" Holy shit "Yea it was just a skating accident nothing to worry about" I said flashing a smile trying to hide the fact I felt like I was dying physically and mentally "Ok well you should change the bandaids there tight" he said while walking to the urinals "Ok I'll do it later thank you Steve and I'm sorry about the other day" He looked over and smiled back "What it's fine Jason's an ass anyways" I chuckled and walked out of the restroom trying not to collapse I went to my locker and saw Eddie he was walking over to me and I was praying to hold Billy hadn't told him anything "Hey" he said flashing me his adorable iconic smile "Hey what's up" I said relieved he didn't know "Sooo I found out why everyone looked like they had just shit themselves this morning" he said laughing slightly "Yea me to he say next to me I'm class today" I said wanting to see his reaction "He did? Did he say anything to you was he mean?" He sounded concerned it was nice "His names Billy and he hadn't said much to me" Eddie looked relieved I wonder why "Ok well I was planning on skipping next period soooo?" I looked at him with angry eyes "No you dumbass we aren't skipping Ms'O Donnels" I said in a stern voice "But whyyy?" He whined out "Because your failing her class and I can't have you getting held back and not graduating now come on"
Time skip
God finally lunch I was starving me and Eddie sat by ourselves like usual then someone scooted me over and sat down I loomed beside me and oh shit it was Billy "Hey 'Y/n' who's this?" He said smirking at me while pointing towards Eddie I saw Eddie's face of complete confusion "my friend eddie" I said in a low tone while looking at the ground "Look at me when you speak to me" he said in a demanding scary tone just like when y'all where dating I kept my head down looking at my lap I suddenly felt a hand grab my face and force my head up I was met with Billy's cold mean eyes "I said to fucking look at me" I just nodded my head and he let go of my face I saw Eddie ball his hands into fists ready to swing "So Eddie you wanna know something about Y/n?" My eyes went wide and I felt my feet go cold Eddie just glared at him the looked back to me "He's not what you think he is" holy shoot holy shit I'm done my life is over "He is actually terrible at basketball" holy fuck I hate him "Oh well I've never really seen him play" Eddie laughed nervously "Yea that's all I just wanted to say hi to my old friend" Billy smirked while getting up he leaned down as he passed me
And whispered in my ear "Pull a stunt like that again and every one will know in seconds (Deadname) so be a good girl" I nodded and he waved at Eddie as he walked off I looked at Eddie and he looked at me
"What the fuck was that about?"

Eddie Munson x Trans!male reader (FTM) Where stories live. Discover now