Chapter 16

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It's been five days since Loren and Muir left to hibernate while the others move towards the sea. She feels she has no strength to even stand or walk. She already misses them.

Pablo and Paul will always accompany their mother and will always make her laugh so she can't be sad.

As they reach the beach, Bai almost let out her squeals. The smell of the sea lingers in her mind and remembers how she always goes on the self date.

She wants to swim but she just recovered from the birth and needs a week to rest. They find a cave near the beach and began to clean the cave while she is having a stroll on the beach with three of her husband, Zane, Curtis, and Jonas with four of Bai's children.

Melissa suddenly laugh while looking to the sea, "Can we play for a bit?" They nodded and Curtis followed her while the other two stayed on the tree to look out for dangers.

They didn't know a merman is watching them but his focus is on Bai.

Qin! I finally found her!

She senses someone and turns to the rock that is a bit far away from them. A Merman and is staring at her, or staring at her daughters.

It made her mother's instinct activate, "Curtis kill him, now!" She said pointing towards the merman, Curtis followed her finger and glared when he see a merman.

Bai runs back to Zane and Jonas with fear. She can't use her power right since it might do something wrong in her body and afraid if it goes out of control it will hurt her husbands.

Zane and Jonas saw everything and immediately went by her side, they hide behind the trees and wait for Curtis. They heard water splashing from the fight and it goes for almost half a minute.

Zane suddenly smells another unknown scent and sees a black scales slithering towards Curtis. Curtis went back to the shore and was suddenly attacked by a giant black snake and he feel his aura that he is a five-marked beast.

Bai suddenly feels a burning sensation in her chest and sees the snake mark glowing, "Curtis?!" She yelled his name.

They both stop fighting and the black snake suddenly went towards Bai at a fast pace, Curtis panic and chase the black snake, not caring if he is stronger than him just to protect Bai.

When the black snake was about to reach Bai, Zane immediately attack him. He knows they could be a match since they both have the same level.

The sake hiss and began to fight back they are stopped by Bai's screams, telling them to stop, "Zane he is my mate, calm down."

Name - Felix

Age - 38

Status - Feral

Race - Snake

Relation - Mate

She saw the hologram when she saw the black snake. The snake, Felix was flabbergasted. A beautiful female just accepts a feral. He then remembers the red snake who is also a feral like him standing beside the female.

He shifts into his human form and stands in front of Bai, looking down at her with his blue calculating slit eyes, "why? I'm a feral," he said, wondering why she accepts him.

"I don't care if you are a feral, if I like you then I like you," she said then looking at his hair, "and I like the color black, especially with scars." She added and turn to look at the scars on his body.

She likes males with scars?

He wondered and then suddenly feels a bit of pride, "I got them while fighting with colossal," he said smirking and it made Bai blush then notice he didn't have clothes and it made her blush harder.

"I'm sorry if my mates attack you, they are just protective," he nodded and glares at Curtis who also glared back. Jonas treats Felix while Curtis guard Bai and Zane carrying Teri and Melissa who keeps staring at Felix's hair.

Melissa made grabby hands towards him and he sees it, he is a bit surprised Bai has two female babies. She made baby sounds and keeps doing the grabby hands to Felix, "Zane give Melissa to Felix please."

Zane was a bit hesitant but eventually give her to Felix, he carefully carry her in his eyes, and Melissa smiled and laughed. She grab his long black hair and began to play with it.

I hope the others accept him.

Bai thought and is worried that they reject him, she checks his background and knows he is a good person. They prepare to leave when Bai asks Curtis, "what happened to the merman?"

"He run away like a coward," he said and kiss her forehead, they shift into their beast form, and Bai decide to ride Felix and they left not knowing the merman that Curtis attacked came back from the water with a backup.

• • • • • • • • • •

They are sitting in the center of the cave staring at Felix with an upset gaze. They know he is her mate but he's a feral, they already have one feral and now there is another one.

They have no choice but to accept it but they still don't trust him, "I'm sorry..." Bai whispered in Felix's ears who is still in a daze. He couldn't believe the female he likes is different and from another world and is in danger.

He wants to kill the ape king but was stopped by Bai and she explained her plan while she was still in the city of beasts. He is amazed that Bai is powerful that she made clones and has powers.

I am blessed by a beast God.

It was night time and the others went out earlier to find more food for the additional new member of the family. Bai spends time with Felix getting to know him.

"I'm sorry earlier, you got scared," Felix apologized, Bai just kiss his cheek and hugs him tighter, "it's ok, you didn't know I'm there," they cuddle and just stare at each other until Felix leaned in her and kiss her lips.

She gives in and passionately kisses him back and began to touch each other but was interrupt by Teri's wailing.

She sighs and got up from the bed and went to Teri to comfort her. They suddenly heard a commotion outside and Jonas run in and told Felix to hide Bai and her children.

Bai is perplexed and Felix immediately hides her in the basement they made, "what about you?!"

"I'll be fine just stay there until we kill them ok?" He said and close the basement, Bai wants to help but it might get risky because of her unstable powers.

She can only use some of her powers that she doesn't usually use. She heard someone barge into the room and all the wrecking noises made Bai and her children uncomfortable.

She already made headphones for her children to cover the noise. It's already twenty minutes passed and all Bai hear is quietness.

The basement door was opened by a merman she saw earlier, he has a smile on his face and immediately approaches her, "Qin let's go back now."

When he was about to grab her, she takes out her gun and shoot him in the stomach and all of her husbands came to her rescue when they heard the noises.

Zane takes the cubs and Shuu take Bai and her daughters out of the basement as the others tie the merman in ropes, "is he the only one?" Bai asked.

"No, there are twenty more outside some of them are dead while the others escape and went back to the sea," Curtis responded to her question.

"Going here is a bad idea, I'm sorry..." She apologized and they comfort her, it's almost night and has no time to look for another cave so they lock the nerman in the basement not caring about him dying.

They clean the room and let Bai rest while the others take turns looking for her daughters. The cubs lay down beside Bai and sleep peacefully.

They watch them and smile, they decide not to sleep until morning to guard Bai. They wouldn't care if Bai will scold them for not taking care of themselves they just want her to be safe.

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