Chapter 46

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Bai wishes that she can turn the system into a person so she can beat the shit out of it.

How many males do I have? 23? 24? Yes, I think it's 24.

She then counts to confirm if she has 24 males in her family until she heard a commotion, but this time it was the scream of the females, and heard fighting outside.

"Titus?! What's going on?!" Bai asked her new male but he immediately went outside and start fighting, she peek through the window hole and sees ferals.

Shit, I just gave birth and can't use my powers yet!

She looks at her eggs and immediately put a barrier around them and winced at the pain, "Shit!" she cursed. Suddenly a light appeared near her eggs, without hesitation she run towards them and block them with her back and felt herself getting pulled.

She wrapped Teri with her arms protectively and immediately felt herself getting unconscious. Before she faints she puts Teri in a barrier and immediately blacks out.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

She felt someone touch her forehead and slowly woke up from her sleep. She groaned and rubbed her head in slight pain, "female, are you okay?"

She heard a rough but gentle voice asking her and her vision finally cleared. A dark skin man standing beside her with a white long hair, orange eyes with a mix of black, and pointy ears.

An elf?

She almost jolts up from the bed she was resting, "female? Are you hungry? I already made bread for you," the elf asked and told her he already made her food and Bai is grateful until a hologram showed up.

Name - Ivan

Age - 30

Status - Orc

Race - Dark Elf

Relation - Mate

Title - Prince


She tries to hide her anger but Ivan notices it and is now worried that she might not like the food he made, "female? If you don't like bread I can-"

"Be my male."


"I said. Be. My. Male."

Ivan couldn't believe it, "If you think I'm the first prince, I'm not."

"I didn't ask if you are the first prince or not, I just want you to be my male, that's all." Ivan stared at the fe.ale.for so long and have many questions such as 'what if she only wants my strength' or 'is it because of my status'

"In my clan, we have a soulmate bond and I can feel a soulmate bond to you, that's why I want you," Bai made an excuse so he will not get suspicious of her. Bai then realized Teri is nowhere to be found.

"Where's my child? Teri?!" Ivan immediately left the room and came back with Teri in his arms, "she stop crying after I fed her some milk, and keeps saying papa to me..." he trailed off, "that's fine, you are my male so you will become her father."

I'm so used to this shit, no more get to know and just start mating.

"Are you hungry? The food is still hot warm," Bai nodded and Ivan went out after he gave Teri back to her, she start giggling and keeps pulling her top, indicating she is hungry again.

Bai removed her top and Teri latched on her bud and then began sucking it, Ivan came back to see her exposed chest and her other side is bare, making him blush.

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