Chapter 47

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"This is getting dangerous..." Felix whispered as he watched the ape king shooting black magic out of his mouth, hitting all the houses and beastmen.

"This is a war, not a battle of our family and him," Parker said while holding his injured leg that almost broke in half, Leo and Xon had no choice but to join while Jonas stayed behind to take care of the kids.

"How long will Bai stay on the Galeya continent? Because it's better if she stays to keep her away from danger," Leo said as he keeps thinking about Bai's safety and their children.

The ape king keeps searching for Bai and is madder that he can't see her, "Where the hell did you HIDE HER?!" they didn't respond and just attacked them to not waste any more time. Every time the ape king hits them, Bai will feel them through her mark, and now is more worried that someone stronger is trying to kill them.

"I need to go back to my males," Bai said but Ivan wouldn't allow her, "Bai, it's much safer here, if someone is trying to kill your males it's better if-"

"If what?! Let them die?! NO!" Bai is now mad that someone is trying to stop and slap Ivan out of anger, she opens a portal but immediately Ivan stops her, "If you don't let me go I will not accept you as my male!"

Ivan is hurt by her words, "If you want to go back, please let me come with you!" Ivan begged and Bai stared at him with a 'are you serious' face.

"You could have just told me so I wouldn't slap you and yelled at you..." she said guiltily and kiss both of his cheeks, "get your things that are needed, we are leaving this place, forever."

Ivan nodded happily and went to take his things while Bai plays with Teri, suddenly, Teri's eyes start to turn black and white smoke started to come out of her body and Bai feel a cold wind around them.

"Oh my! You have powers!" Teri laughed at her mother's reaction and Ivan came back and sees a wind surrounding them when Teri suddenly fly with the wind.

"Ah! Teri not now," Bai pull her back to her and the wind immediately disappeared, "what was that?" Ivan asked while staring at the two females.

"That was Teri's power, I guess she got it from her dad," she said while smiling making him jealous, he knows that this father of Teri is a better male than him, Bai opens the portal and the three of them enter.

They exit a portal to see that everything is wrecked, the trees are cut in half, and burnt grasses and leaves look fresh, Bai then remembers a certain person who has this much power to do anything like this.

Is the ape began his move? Shit.

They both run toward the crow clan but everything looks deserted, no beastman or any sound of crows. She touches Nickolas' mark to let her know she is in his clan.

Nickolas felt Bai's mark calling him and immediately told the others where she is and Loren and Muir decided to go with him toward the crow clan.

It didn't take lng for them to arrive and see Bai with Teri and with a male beside her, "Bai! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Loren immediately bombed her with questions until he glares at the dark male.

"Who is this?" Ivan stared at him and sees no mark on his skin, even one yet he felt that Bai's male is stronger than him, "this is Ivan... My new male..." Bai whispered.

They all sigh and approve of Ivan being Bai's new male and they told them they are currently at war. Bai knows they won't allow her to join and she will accept that as long Ivan will not join and two of her tiger males.

They let Ivan join them and took the other path so the ape king will not see Bai and take her away. They reach an area where all females and their males rest before they proceed to their next stop.

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