Kids of Chaos

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Just a few minutes ago Alfred called Bruce to tell him to hurry back home. The boys got into a fight (kinda) and they wouldn't stop at Alfred's command.

It all started with Dick showing off his acrobatic skills. He was swinging from a chandelier, singing. Just as Jason happened to be standing under that chandelier, his hands slipped and he fell. On top of Jason. Before Jason could recover from what had happened, Dick got up and ran for his dear life. And Jason, well, he raced behind his big brother yelling, "I'm going to kill you when I get you".

Unlike usual, Alfred could do nothing to stop the boys. He was too old to run behind the two crickets.

And then, the boys started throwing things at eachother. And Timothy was watching the "show" in awe. He constantly cheered for his big brothers, which at some point, caused them to start throwing things at him too. Now, all three of them were throwing and breaking stuff, turning the manor into a complete mess.

"Hurry, Alfred. I don't want them to burn down the place before we get there" Bruce told his butler as he got in the car that pulled up infront of him.


"You're dead meat, you circus clown!" Jason yelled and threw a fork at his brother. Dick dodged it with a jump to his side and the fork struck a wooden cupboard behind him.

Dick's hair was a mess. Tim has been hanging on his back and pulling at his hair for a few minutes now. "Yaargh! Get off me, Tim!" He tried to shake off the boy.

"No!You threw a packet of flour at me, and now I'm All White! You have to DIE! "

"You can't kill me by pulling at my hair, you dumbo!" Dick somehow managed to throw the boy into the couch nearby. Just as Jason gave Dick a punch on the stomach and Dick managed to get Jason's head in a lock, the front door of the manor flew open.

"Boys!" Bruce yelled. Angrily.

Tim blinked from the couch. Jason gulped with his head in between Dick's arms. Dick just stood there with his mouth open.


Bruce indeed had the craziest kids in the world. He looked around. There was either a fork or a knife embedded on almost every furniture. Flour was all over the place. There were stain marks on the walls, which Bruce assumed were caused by tomatoes being thrown at them. The television was on the floor, with glass shattered around it. Small furnitures were tossed upside down. And the culprits, the trouble makers, stood before him. Dick had his head hung low. Jason was looking to his side, muttering something. Tim was trying to brush off the flour on him. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose as he saw Alfred cleaning the mess. He sighed and looked at the boys.

"Now, you made things hard for him". The boys' face filled with guilt. "We'll help him" they said in a hushed tone.


"... And?"

"Never do something like this again" now, that was something none of them could promise. Not even Tim.

"We'll.... Try" Dick said and the others nodded. Bruce sighed. That is a lot coming from a kid with more energy levels than a speedster.

"Now, go help Alfred. I'm gonna see what all things need to be replaced"

The boys walked into the kitchen, careful not to step on the glass shattered on the floor.



Two updates on a single day!

I'm tryna finish this unnecessarily Long "introduction-to-the-main-plot"  ASAP.


Love ya'll !


Ps. See that guy on the image I put on top of this chapter? I LOVE HIM SM!🥲❤️‍🩹

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