Welcome to the manor

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Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow and The Flash stood in front of the Wayne Manor in casual clothes. Each of them had a face mask on and carried their equipments in a duffel bag. Superman rang the door bell.

A few moments later, the door opened and the prince charming of Gotham stood infront of them.

"Welcome to the manor!" He beamed and moved aside for the heroes to step in.

When the door was closed and everyone was in, the heroes took off their mask to reveal themselves to the billionaire, who is also a trusted ally of the League.

Bruce made himself look impressed.

"Diana Prince" Wonder Woman said with a confident tone.

"Clark Kent" Superman smiled, waiting for Bruce's reaction.

"Uh.... The journalist from the Daily Planet?" Bruce asked trying his best to look surprised. Clark let out a chuckle as he nooded. Bruce gasped.

"Oliver Queen" Green Arrow said and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh. My. God. Ollie! You are.... Oh" Bruce looked like he ran out of words. He seemed to be trying hard to hide his excitement. Oliver gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Barry Allen" Flash smiled.

Bruce let out another excited gasp before calling in his kids. "Boys!"

In no time the kids lined up before the adults. Dick had Damian in his arms.

"Um... These are my sons. Boys, introduce yourself"

"Hi, my name is Richard Grayson. Everyone calls me Dick" Dick beamed.

"Jason Todd" Jason said in a grumpy voice. He didn't like the idea of being left with a bunch of heroes.

"Hi. I'm Timothy Drake. You can call me Tim"
Tim said as he partially hid behind Bruce's leg. He was swaying to his sides as he clutched onto Bruce's pants.

"... Drake" Oliver whispered as the name rang a bell. His face then softened in realization and he smiled fondly at the little boy.

"And this... Is my youngest. Damian Wayne" Bruce said as he took Damian from Dick.

"Will looking after a baby be a problem for you? I forgot to mention to you about him. I didn't give the media any news. Sorry"

"Oh no. It would be our pleasure!" Diana said and took the Baby from Bruce.

Damian gazed up at the lady. He was all good with strangers. So he just watched her with wide eyes as Diana smiled down at him.

"Well then. I should be leaving now. It's almost time for the flight" Bruce said and everyone nodded.

Bruce kneeled down to hug his sons. He kissed each of them and murmered things in their ears. Clark didn't bother listening in.

Bruce stood up and gave Damian a kiss on the forehead.

Soon, the League was alone with Wayne's kids.

"Are you all really as powerful as they say you are?" Jason asked, pretending to be Sherlock Holmes.

"Well... What do they say about us?" Superman asked, kneeling down to the boy's eye level.

"That you can punch holes through steel and fly into the space and that you can eat hundreds of cotton candies at once?"

Clark chuckled "Who told you I could eat hundreds of cotton candies at once?"

"Bruce. He said you can do that because you brush your teeth twice a day" Jason said, pushing up his chest. Clark looked up at his team mates and found them smiling.

"Yes, yes. I keep my teeth really clean, so that I don't get a bad tooth. And that helps me have as much cotton candy as I like" Clark said and tugged at the tip of Jason's nose. Jason hummed and looked deep in thought.

"Oh hey, c'mon. Bruce asked me to show you your rooms once he leaves" Dick said and started hopping up the stairs. The league followed him. Barry managed to pick up Tim in his arms and started having finger-gun fights with him.

Jason walked by Clark and momentarily glanced up at the big guy. Clark noticed it, but didn't mind.

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