Call Bruce

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Alfred had come to the manor the very next morning. And he was having a little talk with the league and was in a way, chewing them out.

By the time Alfred came home, the boys had already turned the manor into a complete mess, which made him even more angry. But Alfred being Alfred, kept his calm.

"Mr. Pennyworth, it is just something the Justice League can handle. There is no need to alert Mr. Wayne" Clark tried his best at convincing Alfred to not call Bruce.

"Master Bruce deserves to know of his son's departure, Master Kent. He is his father" Alfred said as he made his way to the telephone.

Diana sped up and stood in front of Alfred, blocking his way, earning a disappointed glare from him.

Diana had to prove her point, so she didn't mind the glare. "Sir, do you think it is necessary to give Mr. Wayne a panic? From what we know, he is a fragile man. It might break his heart. Do you think he would want you to let him know?"

"As someone who raised him since he was nine, I know exactly what he would want me to do, Ma'am"

Alfred walked past Diana and upto the telephone and started dialling Bruce. The kids --Dick, Jason and Tim stood around him in a protective stance, giving the elders the best glare they could.

As the Justice League stood there awkwardly and anxiously, someone spoke on the other side.

"Master Damian has been taken away, Sir"

Clark tried listening in. He heard a heavy sigh on the other end. "I'll.... I'm coming home, Alfred. Let Batman take care of the situation"


Clark gave his team mates a look.

A look of panic.

A look of fear.

And they all understood just what it meant.

Oliver felt bile rise to his throat.

Why did they think a mission in Gotham.... A babysitting duty in Gotham.... Could be an easy job....

Alfred spoke something into the phone and he ended the call. He gave the Justice League a knowing look and said to the boys who were looking up at him intently, "Master Bruce is coming home, sons"

So is Batman...

The boys fist bumped in the air and cheered. If Bruce is not busy with other missions and if he could come and rescue Damian by himself, there is no way in hell anything is going to go wrong.

The noises died down when something in Clark's pockets started beeping.

The Justice League communicator.

They knew who it was, even before checking it. Planning his own funeral, Clark accepted the call.

The room went silent when Batman's face appeared on the hologram.

"Superman. I hear you failed your mission" Batman growled out.

"We promise, Batman. We--"

"Go to the batcave. I'll meet you there in a few hours"

"Uh-- but you had a mission on your own? You are out--"

"It was nothing worth much effort"

"Uh... Okay" Clark pursed his lips.

Batman gave his team a curt nod and the call ended.

Everyone let out a breathe they didn't know they were holding.

"So" Barry squeaked out.

"I know the way to the batcave" Clark said, putting on a thinking face. "Through a waterfall into the cave... Let's go"

Alfred and the boys couldn't help but chuckle.


Sorry if this chapter sucked :/

I feel so stressed out because.. Well, someone who is so important to me is trying to push me away for something so silly :'( And it hurts me because I don't wanna lose them :/

I'll try to write more chapters worth reading :)

Tysm for reading this, folks!


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