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Tuesday has arrived. Clark and Lois stood in front of the manor and enjoyed the sight in front of them in awe. It was HUGE.

They rang the door bell. In no time, the door opened to reveal a lean, yet strong man.

"Alfred Pennyworth at your service. How can I help you?" Clark felt overwhelmed.

"Lois Lane and Clark Kent from The Daily Planet. Mr. Wayne promised us an interview today"

"Ah, yes. Ms. Lane and Mr. Kent. Please come in. Master Wayne has gone out. I will let him know of your arrival. He will be here shortly"
The gentleman moved aside for the journalists to step into the house.

The manor was more fascinating to look at in the inside than it seemed from the outside. Fancy chandeliers and never ending stairways.

"Mr Wayne said he had a clear schedule today?" Lois asked as Clark took in his surroundings. He didn't know why, but he had a strange feeling that the ground beneath him was hollow. A basement, maybe? He shook his head. Crazy, Clark, Crazy.

"Ah, something came up" Lois nodded.

"Why don't you sit down? I will get you something to drink"

"Yeah that'd be nice"

When the old man left, Lois let out a deep sigh and plopped down on the nearest couch. Comfy.

"Come on, Smallville. Sit" She said patting a spot beside her. Clark did as he was told.

"Huge!" Lois said and smirked at Clark.

Clark nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna dig everything out of Bruce Wayne!" Lois said with pride.

"Like you did with Superman?" Clark asked and smirked. Lois rolled her eyes. This guy!

"Atleast I can summon him whenever I need. He is my genie, yo--" The two journalists jumped at the sound of a high pitched scream.

"Tim! Get back here, you dummy!" A giggle followed.

"Jaybird, you just took MY pencil with you!"


"Come ooooonnnn!"

It must be Mr. Wayne's kids, they thought. They weren't wrong. In no time, a little boy with thick black hair and pale skin ran past with a bunch of papers in his hand. And behind him, ran another little boy, who seemed slightly older than him, yelling. The boys disappeared into the kitchen as soon as they appeared.

As Clark and Lois tried to process what just happened, another boy, about ten, came running. But unlike the other two before him, the kid actually noticed the presence of his guests.

He stopped in his tracks. "Oh, hi!" He said, almost breathless and waved. The adults waved back. They were still confused.

Just then, Alfred came in with a tray of tea and some eatables. He seemed so fed up with the world. Behind him, followed a life threatening Jason and a giggling Tim.

"Give me back my homework, Timbo!"

"Noooo" the younger boy jumped to his side as his brother tried to grab him.

"Aaalfreed!" The old man sighed.

"Master Timothy, I'd rather you give back Master Jason's homework than making him angry"

Tim chuckled and gave Jason back his homework. Jason angrily grabbed it from him.

"Now, my pencil" Dick demanded.

"Go, get it yourself" Jason said and threw the pencil behind him.

"I HATE YOU!" Dick yelled and stomped to get his pencil. He would have just got another pencil and continue to do his homework. But he was too lazy to do that, but had enough energy to run behind his brothers.

Alfred served his guests. Clark and Lois were quiet amused.

"Shouldn't you kids be in school?" lois asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"Timmy was homesick" Dick said as he checked if the stub of his pencil was good. Luckily, it didn't break from the fall.

"And what about you two?" Clark asked.

"We were homesick because he was homesick" Jason stated in a serious tone, causing the reporters to chuckle.


Bruce arrived after a while. Clark couldn't help but notice a pile in Bruce's arms which looked a lot like a baby.

"You think the Wayne guy adopted a baby, Clark?" Of course, Lois noticed too.

The three boys gathered around their father as soon as he stepped in.

"He is sleeping" Dick said as he gazed into the baby's face. The kids were standing on their toes as Bruce was six feet tall.

"Hm-hm. Mr Kent, Ms Lane, did I make you wait for long?" Bruce looked at his guests apologetically. Lois waved a no.

"Alfred, please show them to the meeting room. I will join you shortly" Alfred nodded and the reporters followed him upstairs.

"Now, boys, why don't you go do your homework in my room, so that you can watch over Damian?"

"Ooookayyy" the boys sang in unision.

Clark and Lois exchanged glances. It sure was a baby. They couldn't help but notice the fact that no traces of a playboy was left on Bruce Wayne anymore. Right now, he seemed like a good father. A caring and loving one.

Calrk smiled at the thought. Bruce Wayne is a good man.



I really have no idea why I wrote about this interview thingy, guys :/

Hm, whatever...

I'm gonna make Alfred go away in the next chapter and maybe I'll give Bruce an off world mission in the next chapter too...

Gotta shoo them off ASAP so I can actually start writing the real thing...


Oh and another thing... Please, dear readers, if you like this, please, vote and comment.

It means a lot to me. It really does!


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