Come On Baby

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Alexis POV 😄

I sat at the table in Buffalo Wild Wings with Dani eating. She was huge and she wasn't wasting no time. I was 2 months behind her. We came to discuss my baby shower but she was so excited about her baby coming soon she wasn't worried about me. I smiled. I never saw her this happy. She looked at me "I can't wait until my princess come outta there!" She said rubbing my big belly. I laughed. I wanted a son but I got my princess instead. I rubbed my belly. "Shit me either. She got me hella emotional. I can't stop eating.." I whined and laughed. We paid for our food and got up to leave. We decided we'd go to the mall and do last minute baby shopping. I bought more onesies and little shoes for my baby. Danielle just bought hella pampers because she don't need no more dam clothes. She's had 3 baby showers in the last 2 months. This will be my 2nd one. My sisters had me one last month and Danielle is "planning" this one. I laughed and talked with her as we walked around the mall. We went into the Polo store and picked out outfits we could wear with our babies and spent up some shit. Koran gave me his black card and told me to go crazy. I did just that. After an hour of shopping, me and Dani got ready to leave. We were walking out the store when I heard what sounded like some water splash or something. And it got on my foot. I looked down and didn't see anything under me, then I heard Danielle say, " Oh water broke." She started smiling and jumping up and down. "My baby is coming!!!" She screamed. I laughed and hurried to the car with her. " You better chill before he fall out on this damn concrete." I joked helping her in the car. She steadied her breathing like we had learned in our Lamaze classes. She was calm until them contractions attacked her ass. I hurried and called Jay and Koran and told them we were on the way to the hospital. I sped to the hospital because her contractions were like 2-3 mins apart. I pulled up and went to get a wheelchair. This is so awkward. One preganant bitch helping another. I laughed and helped her get in and pushed her to the emergency door and told them she was in labor. Danielle started screaming loud. "Get this fuckin baby out of me!" She yelled. I laughed and waited on Jay and Koran who had just walked in. We all headed to the back and suited up in the sanitation stuff they gave us.

Danielle POV 😩

I breathed slow and steady like my Lamaze teacher taught us but this shit hurt like a mf. Lexi and Jay held both of my hands as they pushed me to the delivery room. I cried and screamed. It was too late for the epidural because my contractions were extremely close. I breathed and cried. I looked at Lexi who was sitti up here talkin about the "hoo hoo hee hee" breathing exercise our Lamaze teacher showed us. I did just that. "You're doing good ma." She said wiping the sweat off.

I continued to keeping my breathing steady. The doctor came in and checked how dilated I was 9 cm which mean my baby boy was on his way. I breathed and cried as the doctor looked at me and told me it was time. Jay held my hand and kissed my head and whispered,"You can do it mama..get my jr outta there." He smiled and rubbed my head.

"Ok sweetie, on three I need you to push...1...2..3..push!" The doctor said to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed as hard as I could. When I tell you it was the worst pain of my life I felt like I was being stretched so far. I breathed and cried while I pushed. After two more times of pushing I heard my son crying. I looked up at Jay who had a tear rolling down his face. I smiled and held his hand tight and he kissed my head."You did it mami.."

I looked over at Lexi who looked like she was about to faint, I guess she was thinking about how she was gonna have to go through this same thing in a couple months. Koran smiled and hugged her and kissed her head. Jay cut the umbilical cord and the nurses cleaned him off and wrapped him in a blue blanket and handed him to Jay. Jay looked down at him and smiled, he had tears flowing more now. I smiled at his happiness and Lexi came over and kissed my forehead. "I'm proud of you baby girl..don't ever give up on him okay.."she said to me. I smiled and nodded. Jay sat him in my arms and smiled. I looked down at my bundle of joy as I held him in my arms. I looked up at Jay. "He looks like you already." I laughed. I rubbed his little face and whispered "Welcome to the world my little prince.." I smiled and kissed his head. Lexi and Koran waved and left.

Lexi POV ☺️

I was so happy my best friend finally had her baby boy. Jayce Alexander Young Jr. 6 lbs 4 oz. 21 inches long. I smiled thinking about my baby girl and looked at Koran who was smiling. "You ready?" I laughed and smiled and nodded. He held my hand as we drove back to his house. Once we got there we got out and walked inside and laid on the couch together and chilled. He rubbed on my belly and we ended up watching Insidious.

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