Oh Baby!

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2 Months Later

Lexi POV

I woke up to a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I sat up in the bed and sat on the side and stood up to go to the bathroom. Suddenly, I felt a large gush of liquid fall to the floor. I knew exactly what time it was. I walked over to the bed steadying my breathing and tapped Koran repeatedly. 

"Babe..wake up...its time.." I said to him calmly. 

He sat up and got out the bed and grabbed my arm and helped me walk downstairs. We walked out the door and he helped me get in the car. I laid my head back and breathed slowly trying to stay calm. I couldn't believe it. My little girl is finally coming. I smiled to myself and breathed in and out like we practiced at my lamaze classes. Koran jumped in the car and backed out calling and texting everyone about what was going on. I looked at my phone and dialed my mom's number. Unfortunately, I got sent to voicemail. 

"Hey mom and dad..I was just calling to let you guys know I was on my way to the hospital..I'm in labor..I love you guys. Hope to see you soon." I hung up the phone and looked at Koran. He reached over and rubbed my belly and kissed my forehead. 

"Its alright baby we got this." he held my hand in his and pulled up to the hospital. He jumped out the car and ran to my side of the car and helped me out. I held my belly and breathed. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart and they were getting shorter and the pain was getting worse. The nurses wheeled a wheelchair behind me and helped me to sit down. Koran smiled and held my hand all the way to the delivery room.

 The nurses put me on the delivery bed and propped my feet and legs up on the table. I held Koran's hand and heard my sister Ashley bust in the room. I looked at her and smiled. Her and Koran got dressed in the sanitary outfits. I closed my eyes and breathed the hoo-hoo-hee-hee breaths I learned in lamaze.  I started screaming because the pain was becoming more intense. Koran squeezed my hand. 

"Hey baby...just breathe.." he instructed me.

My doctor, Dr. Rice came in with her pretty lightskin self. She smiled at me. 

"Ohhh Ms. Alexis..are you ready to meet your baby girl?"  

I nodded and smiled and continued breathing. She checked my dilation. 

"You are definitely ready." 

She looked up at me and said. 

"I need for you to push really hard on the count of 3 okay?" 

I nodded and closed my eyes. 

"One..two..three! Push!" 

I squeezed Koran's hand and pushed and screamed at the same time. 

"You're doing good Lexi.." he whispered in my ear. My sister rubbed my head smiling. "Come on sissy..you can do it." 

"One...two...three! Push!" 

Once again, I pushed and screamed at the top of my lungs. 

"I see her head!" Dr. Rice yelled. My sister Ashley walked around to where Dr. Rice was and looked at where my baby was coming from and scrunched her face up. 

"Ewwwww.." she giggled and walked back up to me and rubbed my head. "Come on girl, last push.." 

"Alright baby girl," Dr. Rice started, "last push okay? on three..."

"Okay Im ready." I lied taking a deep breath.  

"One...two...three!!! BIG Push!" 

I screamed like somebody was trying to kill me and pushed my baby girl right on out. Her screams and cries filled the room and it was joyful music to my ears. I smiled and laid my head back. 

Koran POV 

I looked down at my baby girl and tried to hold my tears back. I couldn't believe this. I'm a father. A dad. I let my tear slide down my cheek and looked down at Lexi who was tired and exhausted from just giving birth to our baby girl. The nurse handed me the scissors to cut the umbilical cord and I did just that. They cleaned her off and handed her to Lexi. I've never seen my girl this happy. She looked so beautiful even with her hair all over the place. She looked even more beautiful holding my baby girl. I leaned down and kissed Lexi's head and looked over at Ashley who was in awe at the baby. She wiped her tears and kissed Lexi's head and said she was going to the lobby to let everyone know. 

"What's her name?" the nurse asked looking at us.

I looked down at Lexi and she smiled and nodded. 

"India...India Carson Garcia" I said proudly. It was a name me and Lexi came to agreement on. She smiled. They took India for weighing and measurement and bought her right back. 

"5lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long" the nurse stated and the other wrote it down. She placed India into Lexi's arms and Dr. Rice looked at us. 

"Congratulations you two..take care of that little angel." she smiled and walked out the room with the nurses behind her. 

I looked down at Lexi who had tears pouring down her face. I knew it was all joy. I rubbed her back and smiled. 

"We did it baby...we're parents now.." she whispered looking down at India and smiling. I looked down at my baby girl with her rosy cheeks and head full of hair. She was a little angel that came from an angel. Lexi handed India to me while the other nurses came in to clean Lexi up. 

"I can't believe you here little mama.." I looked down at India and slid my finger in her tiny hands and she gripped it. I smiled and kissed her head. I looked at Lexi who was staring at us in awe. 

After about 45 minutes of being alone with our baby, all of our friends and some family came to see our bundle of joy. 

"Oh my god! Lexi she's so cute!" Danielle shrieked looking at her god daughter in her arms. 

Danielle POV

I smiled at my little goddaughter in my arms and smiled. She was so adorable already. I almost broke my neck when I heard Lexi's mother, father, and sister Tamara walking in. Lexi and I had already been talking and I knew Tamara and Mrs. Romans hated Koran and hated even more that him and Lexi had a baby. Lexi quickly snapped her neck in the direction of the door and seen them walking in. She sighed and sat up. 

"Hey baby girl" her mother said with a plastered smile on her face.

"Hey sis." Tamara said with the same smile on her face. 

"Hey..Im glad you guys made it.." Lexi said with a weak smile on her face. 

"My baby girl had a baby girl.." Mr. Jason smiled and kissed Lexi's forehead. I handed India back to Lexi and nodded my head at Tamara and Mrs. Christina and hugged Mr. Jason. He was always like a dad to me when I was a teenager hanging with Lexi. 

"Aw..she's so beautiful." Christina said.

"She had a baby out of wedlock and its okay?" Tamara said in a hostile tone. 

"Tam...please don't do this here..this is supposed to be a happy time for your sister.." Jason said in a stern tone. 

Tamara sucked her teeth and looked over at Ashley and Sherel who were giving her the death glare. They hated when Tamara tried to take low blows at Lexi. Everyone stayed and talked with each other and cooed over baby India for about 2 hours leaving flowers, balloons, and more clothes than was needed. 

Koran was out in the lobby talking with Jay and the boys about his new baby girl. I sat in the room talking with Lexi while she fed India. She was such a precious baby and I'd never seen my best friend so happy. I smiled and kissed her and India's head and walked out the room. 

Koran POV 

After I was done talking with my boy Jay, I walked back into the flower, balloon, and teddy bear decorated room encasing my girl Lexi and my baby girl India. Lexi was just putting her to sleep. I slowly took India out her arms and sat in the recliner next to the bed where Lexi was. I started to say something when I seen her knocked out and snoring. I smiled and let the recliner back slowly holding my baby girl on my chest and covering her with a blanket. I was out like a light. 

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