Chapter 1

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***This book is about Harmony off of Billionaire's baby my other book

Looking down at the counter that held the pregnancy test it was official, I was prego.

With his baby.

I couldn't move. I really didn't know how long I was standing at the counter it could have been minutes or hours.
Slowly I sank down to the cold marble floors and let it all sink it. I wasn't going to cry because it would just be a waist of tears but I wasn't ecstatic with the idea of being pregnant yet. After all Mr.Sexy and I weren't together.

I got up off the ground and went to search for my phone. When I found it I called the only person who I could talk to. Kelly, my sister in law.

She picked up on the second ring and when I told her I needed her she said she would be over in five minutes.
I was just a ball of nerves at this point. Not knowing what to do I started to do the only thing that calmed me. I baked.

When I heard my door bell buzz I opened it and found Kelly at the door with a bag of popcorn, fruits and whipped cream.
Letting her in she went to the kitchen and found that I had made two apple pies, and three batches of double fudge cookies.
She looked at me over her shoulder and gave me a hug. She knew when I baked this much something was very wrong.

So I cut to the chase and just took her to my master bathroom. When she spotted what was on the counter her whole face lit up.

"Holy shit Harmony I'm going to be an auntie! Thank god must I say I'm tired of being the only one pushing kids out."

"Wait what? Your not mad. I mean I'm not even seeing anyone."

"Honey. It doesn't matter, you don't need to be seeing anyone. This baby is in your life for a reason. After all these things happen for a reason."

Kelly and Harmony discussed how she would bring it up and when and they made the perfect plan.
When Kelly announced her surprise of her being pregnant again at the twins birthday party she would too. Kelly of course would act clueless.

Two day. That's how long she had to prepare for her announcement, two days.

Well those two days were up and now I found myself surrounded by family.
The boys passed out after a long day and now the adults were relaxing with alcohol. Kelly and I got water though.

"Why are you two not drinking? Celebrate on lasting with these boys another year!" My mother cheered.

"Well I'm going to have another set of feet running around soon." Kelly announced.
Everyone cheered and hooted.
"Slow down I need Harmony to pop her own kids out now." My mother said.
Then she questioned why I wasn't drinking.

"Well I'm-I'm pregnant actually."

Gasp were heard in the room but I knew not to be afraid. Kelly was their for me.

In the end my family hugged me and Alec didn't threaten me. I say that's a win!

I talked with Kelly once everyone left, we decided that I needed to find Mr.Sexy and let him know he was expecting a baby. What would he say though? Would he be in my baby's life or abandon em'?

It's been a week and I've searched every square inch of my condo trying to find this guys business card that had his info but I had no luck. After giving up I got in my laptop and was about to start a collage of pictures when I saw it. I had taken a picture of his card.

Tyler Nellson CEO/UFC
Cell: 2404446789

I found the strength to call him. Calling his work phone first his assistant picked up. She told me that she got me a meeting for next week at 1pm. Thank the lord that gave me a week to go get checked out, make a speech and find the perfect outfit.

I got an appointment with my OBGYN in two days and Kelly would lend me some of her clothes now for the speech.

Before I could even type one word my stomach growled and I giggled. My little monster was always hungry. Once I made a peanut butter jelly and had a cup of hot chocolate I couldn't keep my eyes open. So I took a nap on my couch,and thought of the baby. My life was about to change before my eyes.

****Thanks for all the support I've been getting lately.
Check out some of my other stories!
Also shout out to @melindafoday for reading like crazy and showing support!!
Thanks for reading once again much love goes out to you guys!!

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