Chapter 4

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Man was I relaxed or what. I mean I just had hot sex with my baby daddy and now I'm soaking in a lavender bath, this is the life. I could now see my baby bump it wasn't huge but I could see it because I knew my body. I was still kind of small for being as far along as I was. I mean I was almost 4 months and by this time Kelly was showing like crazy. I guess I could be lucky because I wouldn't need to buy new clothes. I did have to buy new bras though. My cup size had grown from a small 32B to a 36C. My breast felt heavy and we're definitely tender. When Tyler latched his mouth on one of my nipples I cried out because it felt so good a mixture of feeling ran through me.

I got out of my bath once it was cooling down and when I walked to my mirror I saw the damage. Tyler had bitten and sucked my chest so now I had marks on it, I also had little prints of his fingers on my thighs. It was hot, I didn't even feel the pain.
I was still naked when I walked out to my walk in closet but when I heard a voice I screamed so loud I swear Kelly would hear me in the states.
"WHAT THE FUCK DONT DO THAT!" I yelled then sobbed.
I don't know why I was crying but I was. I slid to the floor and was balling my eyes out. Tyler rushed to me and apologized and held me until I calmed down.
"I'm sorry i don't know why I started crying these hormones are making me emotional."
He laughed until he saw my marks.
Then he whispered so gently I could barley hear him "oh my god babe I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Tyler then got up and paced the room. While he did that I put on my bra and panties and went to consul him.
"Hey it's okay i can't even feel it."
Then we hugged longer than I think we've ever hugged.
He laughed then said I was making him a pussy.

Tyler took me for dinner at my favorite place. We ditched his reservations and went to food trucks instead. The food was amazing. The greasy food was making me sluggish and I loved it. Tyler looked at me like I was an animal. At the end of the night when it was getting dark we went back to my house and sat outside on my deck. It was getting colder so I was wrapped in Tyler's arms.

"What are we doing?" I questioned.
"Us. We are just being us. No drama, nothing that we don't want to do."
And I agreed.
It was always better when we were alone out of the public eye or one of his friends.
We talked more about the future and the baby, so far things were looking pretty good.

I spoke too soon last night. This morning I was hunched over the toilet throwing up like I've never done before. I eventually started dry heaving and it wouldn't stop. Tyler out his foot down after I couldn't stop. and drove me to the hospital.
They said I was dehydrated so they were going to keep me for a few hours. I was feeling like crap and grunted every time I moved. If I wasn't pregnant I would be sure to have abs by now.

"Hey let me just carry you back inside okay. I don't want you on your feet and you heard the doctor you have to take it easy."

"Ugh. Don't break your back Ty."
He laughed then got me out of his SUV.
It was warmer out today so I had him take me to the back porch so I could tan a little. Tyler went to make a late lunch for us so I stripped down. I took off everything and payed on my front. The sun was warm on my back and hearing the lake swoosh made me sleepy. I must have fell asleep because Tyler bit my ass and I yelped. I didn't even hear him come out of the house.
"Ouch u ass, where's my food your beast boy inside of me is hungry." Then on cue my tummy rumbled.

We ate Italian. The chicken and sauce was amazing. I kept groaning and doing little dances. Though Tyler made me wrap up in a towel so he didn't see my tits bounce.
At the end of the dish he cleaned up then came back out to come get me. We watched a movie but I passed out. I wasn't completely sleeping when I thought I heard Tyler tell say 'I'll always love you,my mistake I let you go.' But I couldn't be sure.

He was gone the next day but he left me a note.

Got called back to the states didn't want to wake you when I got the call. I'll be back as soon as I can, call me when you wake up no matter what time.

After I had cleaned up and gotten ready I called Tyler but a female voice picked up.

"Um hello is Tyler there?"
"Yeah he is but he's currently busy. What do you need."
The girl on the phone was impatient you could tell.
I just said I would call later and she scoffed so I hung up.
Now all that kept running through my head was 'who was she?'

I called my brother and Kelly later that night to tell them where I was and why I left. I guess I kind of forgot to do that. They told me to come back soon and I think I would.

For the rest of the day I talked to some of my realtors thinking I could sell this house and just get a nice condo for when I am here. I didn't need this house if I wouldn't be living here.

**A week has past
I am finally leaving and my house was for sell, the cafe was in good hands and was even getting an upgrade. I was boarding a jet I booked and was now about to take off.

I got to the states and it was later, but I still went over to Tyler's house. When I arrived I noticed a nice porch outside but didn't think anything of it. He had given me a key when we were still dating. I was carrying a glass vase he saw at a local art shop and I got it for him. When I opened the door though my heart broke just like the vase did. I didn't even realize what I had done until it was already done. I had thrown the vase at the wall where him and a skinny red head were making out.
They broke apart fast and Tyler's eyes had gotten sad. He stepped towards me but I ran out the house so fast I didn't even see the car driving down the road. When the headlights got through my tears i was too slow, I couldn't move out of the way but I could turn so my back was towards it...

****Awww this part was sad I hope everything is okay with Harmony.
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