Chapter 3

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Harmony got home safely after collecting herself. She would have called Tyler but was still too emotional. Since she was alone at home she put on the stereo and played her music. Harmony then went into her luggage and plucked out her new baby book. She walked around and read the book until she heard a knock at the door. She had just gotten to the part in the book where it talks about sex do she was blushing, and walking all around the house made her sweat a little. The house was a little over warm so when she got to the door she was a little out of breath. Her house was big.
Opening the door she saw Tyler was there with a basket of muffins and cookies.

"Look I'm s-..Why do you look that way?"
"Oo those look yummy I just worked up an appetite too." she said.
Before she could even react Tyler was in her house and the basket was on the ground.

"What the hell? Tyler why are you running around in my house like a mad man! Ugh your making me sick." I huffed out.
I wasn't even going to waist my breath so I picked the basket up and went to the living room where the music was playing.

"Where is he!?? What the hell is this?" Tyler puffed out.
Who the hell was he and can he not read the book that says all about your pregnancy for the title.
"Who the hell is he and can you not read?"
"Oh I read it. Sex. Really. He as in the guy who just fucked you obviously, you don't just get hot and flushed if you didn't have sex. I know how you look when you've had sex Harmony because I've had sex with you."
My mouth was gasping open. Was he serious right now! I had no words so I just laughed. It was a real laugh too not a fake one. I was laughing so hard tears were threatening to come out my eyes. When I got myself together and calmed down and was able to look him in the eyes I smiled and ate part of a muffin.
Oh blueberry my favorite.

"Tyler I don't know what your smoking but I haven't had sex with any guy. I was walking and reading when you came and it's hot in this house. Then I read about the sex thing and got embarrassed. That's why I looked that way. Besides even if I did have some guy screwing me its my body and my pleasure."

"Hell no your carrying my baby no man's penis will be anywhere near my kid. If you want pleasure I'll give it to you but over my dead. Body. Will. Another. Man. Get. You. While. My. Kid. Is in. THERE!"
Tyler snarled and I must say it was hot him being possessive but the bitch in me wanted to push him.
So the only thing I did was walk up to him in his face and say 'we'll see if I won't have another man'. What a stupid thing I could have said. Tyler picked me up and stomped to the long couch and threw me down. He got in my face and whispered in my ear.

"You want to play babe,you got it."

I couldn't even say anything because his mouth was on mine in an instant. He bit my lip and sucked it into his mouth and when he released it he moved to my neck. Shamelessly I moved my neck so he had a larger area to get at. His lips moved down to the base of my neck where he bit at and sucked. Our next kiss wasn't soft it was a brutal painful one. His hands grabbed my ass and I got my legs wrapped around him. We moved to the long couch where he than got me out of my clothes and shoved his pants down. His cock was erect and ready. Then I felt him inside of me.
He moved and I moaned. Every nerve was heightened now that I was pregnant so it just felt like bliss.

"That wasn't supposed to happen we weren't supposed to have sex again, like ever." Harmony panted out.
Tyler laughed then got up and put his pants back on. He never removed his shirt so it made it faster.

Tyler walked to the window in the living room then took his phone out and from their he called is PA. He commanded to have a dinner reservation at the best place for 4 o'clock. Harmony was gathering her clothes and walking to her room when she felt his presence behind her.
"I'm taking a shower so your free to leave now you know where the door is." Then she closed the door in his face. Well she was on for a surprise when she found that he was still going to be their waiting for her on the bed. She never did like surprises...

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