Chapter 9

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Tyler pov
I can't believe this. My head was just spinning. I yelled at Harmony because I felt like shit. I knew I had to go and get this anger out. I haven't fought since Harm told me not to but tonight I was. So I left my almost eight month girlfriend at home to go fight.

I called my brother as soon as I got into the elevator and had him set up a fight immediately. I might have been out of fighting but I still kept up with practicing.

As I got into my Jeep I felt a little guilty but I didn't go back to her. I had to go get this anger out.
I got told where the fight was going to be held about twenty minutes later. I had all my gear and I headed over to the Civic Center.
I was there in a matter of minutes and when I stepped out Pat was there with my brother. Pat looked concerned and Kevin looked like he was going to explode with happiness. He probably shat rainbows.

The room was muggy. I was in my mind set blocking everyone out. Voices were muffled while I did my pre-warm up. Jumping on the balls of my feet throwing jabs in the air. I felt my muscles start to warm.

Before I knew it I was being called to the octagon. Kevin stood behind me and Pat in front of me. When they announced the Assassin was back the crowed went wild. The air was thick with all the heat. When they announced my opponent I got into my mood. They called him the rabbit because he was so fast.
My name was better therefor I'm better. Sure I'm cocky but who the hell gives two fucks.

Jab jab.
Right, left, right, right, left.
He didn't know which fist I would come at him next with. I kept switching the rhythm.
He punched me a few times and once in the face. Mr. Nice guy was gone.
I punched harder and quicker not letting him even put his fist up. Next thing I know he's on the ground. Everything is going in slow motion. I heard a lot of cheering then I heard Harmony's voice. That couldn't be right though she can't be here. The next minute things got quieter and Harmony got louder. Then I saw her lovely feet. I then stopped and looked up and my head got clear. Then I saw my stunning girlfriend double over in pain and then I shot up.
Next thing I know is I'm carrying her almost running to get her to my Jeep.

"Tyler I love you so much and I'm so sorry."
"Harm, stop it you did nothing wrong it was me I...I just needed to get my pain out of me."
She was strapped in and I gave Alec the keys. He then drove us to the hospital.
"It hurts so much. We were so close to our date. If I could just keep them in a little longer everything would be fine."
She squeezed my hand every time the pain came.

When I looked at her pants there was some blood. I really wished I took that pre med class in college now.

We stopped right in front of the ER and I unbuckled Harm and swooped her into my arms. She clung to my neck and as we approached a nurse wheeled a wheel chair out but I ignored it. I wasn't setting her down unless she absolutely needed to be put down. Her smell drifted into my nose and I breathed it in. Her face was on my bare chest and our kids were jabbing her belly which caused me to feel them.

"Your kids are assholes."
I shook with laughter and Harmony let out an airy laugh too.

The doctor led us back into a private room and I laid Harmony on the bed. They needed her clothes off so I stripped her gently but quick.
I then got her into the gown and the doctor then checked her out.

"Alright let's get a sonogram in here!" He yelled .
I kissed harmony and apologized until she told me to shut up.

"Alright let's look in there. Looks like you are a little less than 32 weeks along. I'm going to check your cervix and we'll move from there."

People shuffled in and out of the room. Harmony continued to groan in pain and I just kept staring at her. Then when the doctor said every thing was okay we gave a sigh or relief.
The blood can happen sometimes.
They got me some scrubs then left.

When we were left alone I pulled my phone out and texted Alec to get something from the car and to come in here. Once he slyly passed me the box and smiled I was ready. I played this song No Ordinary Girl by Kailn and Myles on my phone. Harmony listened to the lyrics and smiled. I swept her hair off of her face and started to speak.

"I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I was an asshole. Yet I need to know something. Can you put up with me for the rest of your life? Harmony it would bring me much joy and if you would marry me and become my wife. So will you marry me?" I was down on one knee holding open the ring box.

Harmony was crying and nodding her head. Then she whispered 'yes' and I slipped the ring on her finger.

'Her there girl you think your ordinary but you change my world you're something extraordinary.'
'You ain't no ordinary girl.'
Harmony pov

Alright it's go time. Time to have these wonderful babies.

I had gotten epidural for the pain but when I started to push it felt like I was dying a slow death.

I was yelling at Tyler and cursing at the doctors and nurses.
Don't judge me. I currently had a baby ripping my vagina open.

"The head is out just a few more pushes!"

Tyler wiped my head with a cool cloth and reminded me of how close we were. I was going to be a mom in just a few more pushes.
Three hard long pushes later baby number one was out.

The sound of crying filled the room.
"It's a boy!" One of the nurses said.
I smiled and looked at Tyler who had tears in his eyes.

Before I knew it baby number two was out.
"It's a girl!"

"A boy and a girl." Harmony breathes out.
"I feel kind of dizzy."

"Call up to OR 2 and tell them were on our way. Well need blood bags of O neg stat. She's hemorrhaging we have to go!"
Tyler pov
I had to sit with my fiancé for three hours until she was finally ready to pop my kids out. Those next minutes were so hard. I was going to be a dad and meet my kids for the first time.

Harmony was so strong. Literally, she might have broken my hand when she was pushing. I just focused on keeping her calm and having her breath.

Then we were greeted with the sounds of our first baby. Bot so long after the other arrived.

Then before my eyes Harmony was being wheeled away. I was being approached by one of the nurses. She told me to sit down that this was common and they were going to get it under control.
Then both of my babies were delivered to me. They were both in the plastic bassinet, with scrunched up faces.

We got transferred to another room and Alec was in the room waiting for us. I picked up both babies laid them in the crook of my arms and kissed their little heads.

Harmony was in the room less than hour later. The doctor said everything went well and there shouldn't be heavy bleeding. Once she awakes she could feed the babies and eat something light.

It was when the kids started to get fussy that she awoke.

"Pass me him and I'll feed her once I'm done."
She winced as our son latched onto her nipple and started to eat.
Once he was done I burped him and he went to sleep easily.
Next up was my wonderful daughter. She wasn't as fussy but took a little longer to latch on.
Harmony burped her and she fell asleep on her chest.

"Where did Alec go?"
"He went to get some food and Kelly for us."
"So have we decided on names? I knew we talked briefly but I don't think they look like those names."
"I agree so how about you rest and think of names and I'll take her and lay her down. Well think of something Harm. I love you."
"Love you too."

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***I need baby names too unless you liked the ones I said earlier

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