Chapter 10

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It's been three months with my perfect babies. Okay let me tell you the truth now. It's been hell. I can't sleep five hours without one of them crying because they need a change or needed to get fed.
I have had bags under my eyes since I left the hospital.

The only time I get any rest is when I'm in the shower or when Tyler can calm them down.
It hasn't been all hell but when I don't get my rest the bitch in me comes out.

Kelly had her baby three weeks after me and she looks like a fucking Greek goddess. How she does it? Nannies! I mean she's always there with the kids but when she needs her rest they take over.
Why I won't get one, I don't want my kids to ever say I let nannies take care of them. Plus they don't need to be spoiled. They'll get spoiled when they can remember it.

"Tyler I have to go please take the kids I have to go get away from them or I might start smashing stuff. Here they are just-just do what you do."
I dropped the kids off at his office and ran away like a crazy women. People stared but I didn't care I just needed a spa day.

I took a cab over to my favorite spa so I wouldn't have to stress over traffic, I would get my car later.

"Harmony great to see you! Come on back we have the whole thing set up!" Janice said.

When I got back to my area I got the robe on then made my way over to the massage table. Vince was going to put hot rocks on my back and oil me up.

"How's everything been?"
"Ugh don't even get me started Vince. I love my kids but I need rest. They are adorable when they don't need anything but I am running on fumes."
He laughed and started to rub my legs.

The hot rocks were soothing. So much that I actually started falling asleep.
I really did fall asleep too. Vince was shaking me awake laughing and if I wasn't so tired I would have hit him.

I went to the mud baths next and as weird as it sounds it really is fun. It's so thick it feels like I'm in goo. It takes me back to being a little kid.

Three hours later I was officially done. Nails painted, I was waxed, my body was glowing and makeup and hair was done.
I cut my hair so it was super short and now it was dyed. Can't wait to see what Tyler says. He's going to freak that all my hair is gone. He loved my hair, well pulling on it.

"Hello can I help you?" Tyler's secretary asked.
"Its me, Harmony. You couldn't recognize me!"
"Oh my god no! Holy shit you look so good. Um Tyler is going crazy in the office you might want to go help him."

I laughed and started to walk into his office.

"Need some help stranger?"
Tyler turned around and his jaw was slack.

"What the fuck!? I must be going crazy now. You sound like my fiancé but look nothing like her."
"Haha it is me Ty, give me the kids and let's go home I think you need it."

We got home an hour later. His Jeep pulled next to my Lexus and he came and got Kylie and I took Oliver. They had fallen asleep on the ride home so it would the perfect time to also take a nap.

We put the kids in there cribs then walked to our bed room.

"Wow you look amazing. I'm happy you left them with me to get dolled up but please call a nanny or drop them off with Kelly's nannies."

We plopped in bed and talked until we went to sleep.
Best evening sleep I've gotten in a very long time.

After that day things had been going smoother.
Harmony had been getting more sleep and looking extremely better and Tyler has been taking more responsibility with the twins.

It's been a month and it was time to get the wedding on its way. All the parents came over and sisters and brothers joined. Tyler wanted the wedding as soon as they could get the ball rolling.
Kelly and Harmony got all the catering, wine, and flowers chosen all in a matter of days.
Alec, Kevin and Tyler had gotten the music picked out, where the wedding would be held the cake and the reception area booked.

They have two weeks to get all of this together so the wedding would be on July 25th.

"Mom for christ sakes stop! That dress is horrific and those bridesmaid dresses look like my kids shit on them." Harmony huffed out.

Everyone just looked at her and agreed.

My mother was killing me. I just needed to calm down. I went into the private room and just sat down and thought of everything.
My life was changing and I was excited.
I have two amazing kids who make me laugh an amazing fiancé, and a wonderful family.
I wouldn't change anything about my life.

Once I calmed down and tried on the last dress I knew it was the perfect one. I didn't even tell anyone I found the right one, I just said I would get one the next day.

A day before the wedding

"Come over here you sexy mom! Take these two shots and let's get this party started!" Kelly shouted.
She was my maid of honor and was throwing me a huge bachelorette party. I had some of my old friends here along with friends from Paris. They banned parents from the party and I loved it. So the parents were watching kids tonight.

"Alright cheers to an amazing woman! I love you Harmony with all my heart. We've been through a lot and have had a lot of good times. From the first day I met you standing on the porch telling me how big I was. FYI ladies I was pregnant. Anyway I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle tomorrow because not only will everyone heads be turning your way but the love of your life will be there waiting to start his life with you. So here to Harmony!"

"To Harmony!!!!!" Everyone yelled.

Then the party got started. Shots were being poured non stop, then we went clubbing and to a strip club. It was like a showing of Magic Mike.
"Oh god if I weren't married I'd have my way with the blond one!" Kelly yelled in my ear.
I mean sure these guys were hot but I felt nothing for them. All I wanted way Ty.

It was nearly 4am when we stumbled into the hotel room. I don't even remember hitting the bed but I hit something and hard.

The next day
"Okay ladies lets g- holy hell!" Harmony's mother yelled.

The girls were all over the place in the room still passed out.
It was already 10am and the wedding was at 1pm.

"Lord have mercy wake up!"
No one moved.
Then she got a bucket of ice and put it on every single lady.
They all shot up screaming and looking dreadful.

"Fuck! How bad do we look?" Kelly asked.
No one said a word.
Fuck my life.
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