Chapter 5

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Tyler pov
No! This couldn't be happening! I rush out of the house to go catch up with Harmony and before I know it a tragedy happens.
Paramedics pov
"Alright we need to rush like faster than we've ever gone before. She's pregnant and non responsive. Her breaths are more like gasps so she has a collapsed lung and we need to get this baby checked out. Call it in to Mercy Hospital tell them what we're dealing with"
"Is this Alec Reaves?"
"Yes this is he."
"We need you to get to Mercy hospital there's been an accident."
Cold. I'm cold. I can hear but can't move. I want to yell out in pain do anything but I cant. My body just lays here. So I just listen to my surrounding. I hear beeping and yelling,crying and worried voices. I still can't open my eyes or move so I feel. My body burns , it's cold yet burns. I feel my body jolting like I'm getting struck my lightning. What's happening to me?
***These little snippets are flashes of what people are saying/ feeling!

Alec pov
What is happening? No one will tell me anything. I've been in this waiting room for over two hours and haven't gotten one update. I was told to sit down and the doc would see me, but no one has seen me.
I get up once again and go to the nurses station about to demand some answers when I see Tyler rush in.
He looks like shit and has blood on his shirt...
When he walks up to the nurses station he must not know who I am because he ask about Harmony and I freak out.

Tyler then sees me and runs his hands through his hair and says 'I made a mistake' what the fuck does that mean? I drag his ass to the private waiting room and grab him by his throat and tell him to start talking.

"I-I was doing a business deal tonight and things took a turn. In order for me to get this contract I had to flirt.. She wasn't supposed to even be back. Harmony was supposed to be in France still. She opened the door to my house and saw us kissing and....She ran put before I could get to her a car hit her."
I could hardly breath. Tyler was suffering, I saw it in his eyes. Good. Let him suffer like he should.

I let him go and reached for my phone. I called my parents and told them they needed to fly over here that my jet would be there in two hours. Then I called Kelly letting her know I wouldn't be home tonight, she doesn't need to know what's happening yet. Calling my PA I cancelled all appointments and meetings for the week.
Right as I was approaching Tyler a doctor came in.

"Yes, what's happening."
"Hello I'm DR.Don. Your sister was hit by a car pretty bad. I won't go into detail, but she had a collapsed lung, internal bleeding and she has some brain swelling along with some broken bones. We're still in surgery but she's pretty weak so we will hold off on resetting the bones that are broken until swelling goes down."

"The baby how-did it make it?" Tyler spoke up.
"Unfortunately one of them did not. She was having triplets but one didn't make it so we had to remove it while fixing her internal bleeding It was risky for the other kids but everything went great with that. Look I have to get back to her but once I'm done I'll send someone to get you."
Tyler pov
No. I ran out the house as fast as I could. I got Harmony and laid her down on the grass and sobbed. She wasn't moving and there was a lot of blood. The driver was calling 911 and when I saw Hellen coming near me I snapped. I yelled and screamed at her.
"Harmony baby please..Just stay with me please. Please god don't take her from me."
Lights flashed in the distance I could see police and an ambulance approaching. Everything needed to be okay I couldn't lose the two of them.

This is all my fault. If I would have just not flirted and told Hellen that her contract wasn't important then Harmony wouldn't have seen us kissing. It didn't even mean anything. That contract was just an endorsement for my UFC fighting.
After Alec left the waiting room I called my brother Kevin telling him I was going to be absent for the rest of the week and asking him to get me a change of clothes. I had Harmony's blood on my shirt.I literally had blood on my hands. My girls blood.
A week later
Harmony was out of the clear a few days later relating to her lung and surgery. Her brain swelling was down but they didn't know how her memory would be until she woke up. The babies weren't in distress but they had her fully monitored 24/7. Alec and Tyler were paying good money for her care. Though Harmony was in a medically induced coma for her own good. Her body needed to relax and she didn't need to be under stress.

Harmony was still not awake and no one had nothing to tell the family over than 'she'll wake up when she's ready'. Tyler had been fighting every night either taking a beaten then beating his opponents to a K.O or just fought them with no remorse. Alec had to work a little but he mostly stayed with Kelly and visited Harmony. Her parents had gotten a house near by so they could stay there for a while.

The two babies were doing fine because they still got Harmony her nutrition so they were still growing. Did she look the same? No. She looks pale and not her usual glowing self.

Tyler had just walked into her room after his match so he was sweating and still bleeding. A nurse had gotten used to seeing him like that so she just came in silently and cleaned him up. She stocked together his eyebrow and handed him a snack and drink. He continued to look at Harmony and then went to talk to her.

"I know you hate me and you have every right to. You just don't know why I did what I did. Sure I could have found other ways but I was getting pressured and everyone was looking up to me. I pay over 100 people and that money would have paid them for their families. Look if you don't ever want to see me again I understand but please, please if not not for me do it for your family. Wake up love. Just move. Do something show us a sign. We all miss that pretty smile and your amazing eyes that just show love."
Then he leaned over took her hand and kissed her forehead.
He was so tiny. He was a mini Tyler. He ran around and was so energetic. I knew I had lost my baby because he was with me right now. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. My child told me not to. He said everything happens for a reason he took all the pain from others so it was just him. I didn't know what tat meant but I accepted it. I named him Victor because he was my victory. It might not make sense to other but to me it was every thing. I felt myself being pulled away from him and he just hugged me saying he'll watch over. I didn't want to leave him but he was gone and I was now in a dark place. I could hear more clearly and feel everything.

I opened my eyes and a dull yellow light filled my sight. When I looked over I saw Tyler. He was talking. I closed my eyes again and just listened. When he was done I was near tears. Then I felt him come over grab my hand and kiss my forehead. It was then that I squeezed his hand...
"Holy shit" is all that was whispered. Then he ran out calling for nurses. Welcome back is all I thought.

*****Sorry for such a weird chapter but the next will be better.
*****What did you think please comment!!

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