Chapter 13

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Have you even been so scared in your life that everything passes before your eyes?
Some people say they get that feeling when they get into a bad car accident. I almost had that when I got into a car accident a while ago.

Well I'm not in a wreck. I'm in s giant metal machine that's scanning my body at the moment.

"Just a few more minutes and then you'll be done Mrs. Nellson."

Not knowing what I have is the worst part. I know they have a good guess of what I have but want to make sure. I just don't want to die and leave my family.

I wouldn't be able to watch my kids walk down the isle or even be there for their first day of school.
Tyler would be raising the kids with someone else.

Everything was running though my mind and I was letting the water works go.
Thank god the scan was over because I was hiccuping and crying even harder now.

The nurse who helped me get into the wheel chair gave me a sad smile then gave me a hug. When she did that I just let everything go. I might have gotten snot on her scrubs but I didn't even care.

"Thank you, I really needed that and I know you didn't have to do that."

Tyler had red eyes when we got back to the room but he got up and picked me up. Instead of putting me on the bed he just held me and I clung to him. The man I love.

"So can you uh call our lawyers and have them set up a meeting."
"Nope because we don't need them Harm. You're not going anywhere you are going to live a long life getting old with me. I know where your mind is at, get it out of that state."

Before I could reply the doctors came in.
I sat up in the bed and Tyler held my hand.

"Just spit out out docs. No point to sugar coat what I have." I said kind of rudely.

"Alright then. You have Ovarian cancer stage two. The cancer is just in one ovary, and we saw that only one fallopian tube has it."

"Give me the percentage of survivors and what are my options."

I wasn't going to tip toe around it. I'm just going for the kill. Ready to get this over with. I would do anything to stay with my family just a little longer.

"Surgery is our best option. We have to go in and remove it and one of your fallopian tubes along with the ovary. 45% survive."

I'm living the life right?
I let one tear roll down my face them I just said 'do what you gotta do.'

I left as soon as I could and hey gave me a prescription for some pain meds. We stopped off at a CVS and while we were there I decided to pig out.
Grabbing all the candy I wanted and soda, with chips and all the crap I never indulged in much.

When Tyler saw he was going to say something but I gave him the side eye and he looked the other way.

The house was quiet. I didn't like it.
So I texted my brother and told him to get him and his family over here. I let Logan know we were home so being my kids to me. Then I texted some of my neighbors. I wanted to through a party.

Tyler of course didn't know about any of this.
I got the back lights set up quickly and set up the fire pit. The food was stocked with food so I got all of that out and Tyler just gave me confused looks.
Until our door bell started ringing.

"Hey!!! I miss you haven't seen you in like a week!" Kelly screamed.
Alec just gave me a small hug.
Then everyone was showing up with drinks and food. The party was going to start.

The boys were running around the back yard catching bugs and getting messy while the girls stayed inside watching Bratz.

"So how are you?" Logan asked and unfortunately Alec heard.

"What? What's wrong?"
I gave Logan an ugly face then left to go inside the house but I was stopped and turned around.

"What's going on? You're not being yourself. I know you Harmony your my sister."

"Nothing. Okay, I just wanted to do something different. Happy with my answer?"
Then I walked away from him.
I wasn't ready to tell him but I knew I had to. In the case I did die or something went bad I needed all of my family and friends to be their for Tyler and my kids. I just knew if I was away from Tyler he wouldn't be able to take it. I saw it in his eyes.

I was sitting with Olivia, Lexi and Carter watching T.V with them in my lap when I got that hit with the sadness.
I was sniffling and the girls heard and they all gave me tight hugs and I cried even harder.

They had no idea what was going on and they were so innocent. They just rested their heads on my and Olivia my sweet girl gave me a kiss and smiled at me.

"I love you girls."
"Wov you too auntie!"
Olivia just said "ou!" And kissed me.

I got up to leave them and I was halfway across the room when the pain hit me. I was doubled over and gripping the counter when Tyler saw me.

"Hey. You okay, where's the medicine I'll get you it."
"Second drawer by the fridge."

My hands were getting damp and I was getting nauseous.
Fast walking over to the trash I let up everything I had.
This was a side affect of the cancer.

"Breath baby. Lets go lay down."

"What's wrong with my sister. Are you pregnant?"
Tears welded in my eyes. I doubt I would have kids this easy anymore.

"No...I have cancer."
Then I walked away with my pills and water. From my room I could hear the party going on one minute then the next everything was dying down.
I was in the bathroom laying on the ground when Kelly came in and laid down with me. We didn't talk we just held one another's hand and looked at one another.

I have cancer and I could lose all of these wonder people. My smart and wonderful kids. My supportive husband, amazing brother and his family and not to mention my sister in law.

These next few months were going to be hell. But I was going to fight. I'm not going to let go so easily. I'm going to fight for my life and I'm going to beat this fucking cancer.

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