Chapter 13

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The picture to the side is off Esme she is currently four months old

A piercing pain shot through my stomach

"Nolan it's happening" I said shaking him, he stirred in his sleep

"Yeah okay, can we talk about it later I want to sleep" i hit his head hard

"Nolan. Quick. Hospital. Now"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" he jumped out of bed and ran to the other side helping me up "I just wasn't expecting it so soon you've still got three weeks left"

"Twins are normally premature" I muttered

"Okay let's go" he wrapped me in a blanket and helped me down the stairs "Let me go tell Scarlett I will back in a second" he darted up the stairs, returning in just a few seconds

We arrived at the hospital and they sent me straight through to the delivery room

"Hello I'm nurse mason. I will be your midwife for today" I lady with long locks that were pulled back into a lose ponytail greeted us with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nolan and this is Carmel" Nolan said

"It's lovely to meet you, shall we go deliver some baby's "

"Sounds like a plan" Nolan said helping me in


"Would you like to meet your son?" The nurse said to Nolan, she handed him my tiny little boy. Nolan stood cradling him in his arms.

"Are you ready for the next one?" The nurse asked l. I nodded.

After ten more minutes of pushing I was now a mother to two more children.

I cradled the girl in my arms, Nolan sat on the bed next to me holding our son.

"I like Leo, I think he would suit it" Nolan said

"Leo and Nadia" I said softly

"Nadia? Like your great grandmother?" I nodded at Nolan.

"I will believe you have some guests can I send them in?"

"Yes" I said softly not taking my eyes of Nadia.

It was only a few seconds when the door burst open reviling both sets of our parents.

"There so beautiful" my mum said a tear rolling down her cheeks. I smiled knowing my mother was proud of me. No matter how annoyed I was at her I couldn't stop her seeing her grandchildren

"Meet your grandchildren- Leo and Nadia" Nolan said proudly

"Carmel" Courtney ran in and hugged me

"Be careful" I said protecting Nadia's head

"Your okay" she beamed

"Of course. Would you like to meet your new niece?" She nodded

"Nadia, this is your auntie Courtney" I said kissing her forehead. Courtney sat on the edge of the bed and held her arms out, I placed Nadia in them and I watched Courtney stare at her beautiful face.

"Courtney sweetie" my mum said running round the bed but stopped when she saw Courtney holding Nadia l. At first I though my mum was angry but then a smile formed on her face.

Scarlet came in a few minutes later carrying Esme.

"Congratulations my wonderful sister and brother in law" she came running over and handed me Esme.

"Thankyou scar" I said smiling at my older sister.

Courtney was still holding Nadia so I took this as the opportunity to introduce Nadia to Esme.

"Esme, this is your little sister Nada" I then turned Esme around so she was facing Nolan "and this is your little brother Leo" Esme reached out and poked Leo's head

"Don't do that"Nolan said holding Esme's hand to stop her poking him again and laughing.

Th midwife came back in again and Courtney gave me back Nadia and help Esme instead.

"Would you like a picture?" The midwife asked. Scarlet gave her a camera and we all gathered around the bed smiles covering all of our faces.


Nolan unlocked the front door and I carried Leo's car seat in as Scarlett had Nadia's and Nolan was holding Esme. Courtney had my bag slung over her shoulder and was texting someone on her phone.

"Courtney who you texting?" I asked her

"No one" she said going bright red

"Then why are you going all red?"

"His names Liam"

"Do I need to send Nolan to check him out"

"No can we just go on side?"

Nolan pushed the door open and our hall way was covered in welcome home banners, it's a boy banners, it's a girl banners and its twins banners

"When did you do this?" I said hugging scarlet and Courtney

"When Nolan texted his yesterday morning to say you were in labour we went shopping as soon as we could and decorated the whole house." Scarlet said

We walked into the kitchen which was also filled with banners and on the island to hampers were layer out one was pink and the other was blue. I walked over to them and they both filled with baby toys and clothes.

"Thankyou" I said hugging both of them with my free arm and wiping the tears off my face.

"Mum said to give you this, she wrote one for all of us" Courtney handed me a letter with my name written on the front in a curly writing. Courtney smiled and walked out the room, scarlet placed Nadia's car seat on the floor and said something about going to taken Olso for a walk.

I opened the letter and Nolan came and stood behind me as I read it.

Dear my beautiful daughter Carmel,

I couldn't be more proud of you and Nolan, your living in a wonderful house with three adorable children and a very cute dog.

It was wrong of me to force you to marry your best friend but we have all none for years you are madly in love with each other and just needed a push.

I apologise for making you adopt Esme but I know for a fact that you love her as if she's your own.

I want you to understand that I do love my grandchildren and want to be as involved as I can, I want to help you.

I regret many things and letting my three children go is the biggest mistake I have ever made

The last thing I wanted to say was, Courtney will not be going on any more diets and I am happy for her to live with you and I would be than happy for her to come home I just want my three children to be happy.

I will see you soon,

Love mummy and daddy xx

"Maybe everything will be alright in the end" Nolan brushed the tears away from my cheeks and kissed his lips softly.

I think Nolan was right, things will be okay

The end.

Authors note- important please read

Wow that chapter is badly written, will go through and re write the story over time.

It does say this is the last chapter however it is not, there will be a few bonus chapters of them in the future such as the first day of school, big birthdays ect

There will also be a spin off book in the PoV of Nadia so you can look forward to that

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