Chapter seven- family day

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I could hear Esme crying, I stood up and pulled my jumper over my head before walking out my room rubbing my eyes. I picked up her bottle from the side before heading over to her bed to pick her up.

"Hello Esme" I said whilst placing the bottle in her mouth.

"Good morning" I heard Nolan say behind me

"Morning, what's the time?"

"7:30" he said in a chirpy voice, how could he be this awake when Esme had woken us up 4 times.

"What times my scan at?"

"10:30" he said sitting on the edge of the toy box "so what do you sat we head out for breakfast before going for the scan"

"Okay, you finish feeding Esme whilst I go in the shower then I will get her dresses whilst you get ready"

"Sounds like a plan" He stood up and lifted Esme from my arms before I stood up and padded towards the bathroom.

"Do you like this outfit?" I said to Esme as I held up the most adorable play suit for her. "Yeah I'm thinking this one"

Once she was fully dressed Nolan came in to say he was ready. I grabbed Esme's nappy bag and followed him downstairs

"The prams in the car, so is the car seat" Nolan said opening the front door and letting me out.

I pulled open the back seat and fastened Esme into her seat. I then got in myself and we pulled out of our drive way. We drove down the main road before Nolan pulled into a small cafe. I climbed out picking up the nappy bag and Esme's car seat with her in it. Nolan grabbed my free hand leading us into the cafe. We sat in a booth with Esme in her car seat which was placed on the seat next to me. She was fast asleep; why couldn't she sleep like this at night.

"So our parents" Nolan started

"What about them?" I asked a little puzzled

"Well you know they were meant I come round yesterday but we called it off and pretended that we thought she was ill"

"Well we just say that she's not ill, she's fine now them they can come round for a bit tonight to meet them"

"Okay who's calling them?" Nolan asked

"I will call my mum and dad and you call yours. I will also invite Scarlet and Courtney and you invite Nash and of course Lily can come to"

"Sounds like a plan"

We finished of our breakfast and paid the bill before heading towards the hospital. We sat in the waiting room; people giving us weird looks as you don't normally go for your six month scan with a new born baby.

"Carmel Allen" a nurse call out "please follow me this way" I stood up and Nolan grabbed Esme's car seat in one hand and grabbed my hand in the other giving it a light squeeze of reassurance.

I lay down on the bed.

"Let's see what we have here" she said smiling "we can announce the sex of the babies today if you want"

"We would like to know the sex" Nolan said

"Okay, well it from what it looks like, this one is a girl" she said pointing to the screen "and this one is a boy"

I smiled I was happy with that.

"She's so cute" Lily said grinning "Nash can you think very soon we will have one of these"

"We sure will" Nash said wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. "you know you don't have to hold her all the time"

"I know but I want to" Lily said. I new Esme was safe with Lily so u went to sit with Courtney, my 13 year old sister.

"What's up?" I said looking at her dull face

"I don't think Mum and Dad love me"

"What?" I said shocked

"You heard what I said Mel"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because there so hung up over you and Nolan. I think their the only ones who can't see that you and Nolan want them to be left alone you don't need there love. Can't they just love someone who wants to be loved" she buried her head in her hands

"Do you know why mum and dad picked me to go along with there plan"

"Because there eldest son ran away the minute he turned 16 then there eldest daughter is a complete idiot and then there youngest his just dumb, ugly and useless"

"Courtney, you are not useless or ugly or dumb. Your way more clever than the rest of us combined. the reason she picked me was because yes your right about there eldest son, but as much of an idiot Scarlet is they know she will find a way to become famous or something. Well for you they see big things in you. In me they don't see anything apart from me marrying young and having these perfect little kids"

"I'm not stupid" Scarlet said from behind me.

"Since when were you listening into our conversation?" I remarked

"Since Luke was mentioned"

"Neither of us even said his name. If anyone hears us talk about him Mum would officially kill us" I snapped at her

"That is true" Courtney added

The three of us were very close: as close as you can be. Many people said you can't be close with people with such a big age gap but we were. Since my brother ran away to get away from our parents we realised we needed to stick together. Scarlet was 23 so there was 4 years between me and her but then Courtney was the baby of the family and is only 13 so there is a 6 year age gap between us.

"I'm going to get a drink" Scarlet said before wandering into the kitchen.

"Do you know what might cheer you up?" I said grinning at Courtney

"What?" She had a look of confusion on her face

"There is two things actually, the first is do you want to be the first person besides Nolan and I to know what sex the babies are" I motioned down to my stomach. She jumped up in Excitement "yes yes yes"she squealed

"Well it's a boy and a girl" and hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her. "Do you want to know the next thing?" she pulled away from the hug and nodded. "Nolan and I have decided that we want you and Lily to be Esme's god mothers. We have spoken to Scarlet and she says it's fine"

"What? really? I'm Esme's godmother? yay" she says twirling around ""thank you, thank you, thank you" she ran over to hug me.


"That didn't go to badly did it?" Nolan said as he made me a cup of tea.

"Well apart from the fact my sister told me she thought my parents don't love her."

"What?" Nolan turned around in shock

"I found Courtney sitting alone looking really upset so I went to talk to her and she said that she feels unloved. I know she has it the hardest as she still lives with them but I didn't realise it was that bad. So I asked her to be the godmother of Esme like we had decided and she was over the moon" I said forcing a laugh

"I know you parents are harsh on her with the whole diet program they have her on, she's not even fat" Nolan said passing me my drink

"I know, it's horrible. I wish I could find some way to help" I said leaning against the kitchen counter and taking a sip of my drink.

"We will figure it out some way. Want to go and watch tv?" i nodded.

"So what do you want to watch?" Nolan asked as I sat down next him and leaned against his side He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Life Unexpected" I said grinning

"How unexpected" he laughed. He new that no matter when he asked what I wanted to watch I would always watch life Unexpected. I mean it was about a girl in foster care and then she finds her mum. It makes my life seem so much better and actually gives me hope.

Authors Note

Hope you like this chapter there wiled an update soon

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