One year later- first birthday

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday to Leo and Nadia happy birthday to you" we all sang as Leo and Nadia sat staring at the cake, I helped them blow out the candles and everyone clapped.

Esme came running over and handed me a box.
"Naddy" she said in her little voice
"This is for Nadia?" I asked her and she nodded "would you like to give it to her?" She nodded again before taking the box out of my hands and walking over to her sister and handing her the box.

I sat down next to Nadia and helped her open the present. It was a tiny little pink bear with a tshirt on saying To Nadia love Esme. Nadia hugged the bear holding it closely to her chest and Esme smiled, clapping her hands together.

"Carmel" I turned around to see Lila holding her son.
"Yes?" I said smiling up at her
"Do you mind watching jacob, I have to go and pick Nash up from work"
"Of course" I said Standing up and taking Jacob out of her hands.
"Thanks" she called over her shoulder whilst she headed for the door.
I watched Leo pull himself up on the table and walking a few steps and falling over, as he fell he whacked his head on the coffee table and started crying.
"Nolan" I shouted, making my way over to Leo.
"Yes?" He shouted back from the other room
"Help please" I shouted back, he came running and scooped his sun up in his arms.
My mum came in a few minutes later asking if I needed any help, just a few minutes late I thought to my self.
"No, not at the moment" I said smiling at my mother "Dinner is going to be in about twenty minutes so you could help me finish that if you wanted"
"It's your children's first birthday you have fun and I will finish dinner" she said walking out the Room leaving me no time to argue with her

Lila and Nash arrived just before dinner and we all took a seat. Nadia and Leo were sitting either side of me and Esme was sitting next to Nadia with Nolan next to her. Courtney sat opposite me.
"Thankyou mum" I said as we all started eating. All the family was here for the birthday party, I think there is about 20 of us in total.


"Mumma" I heard someone shout from the other room, everyone was still here but the children were all playing in the playroom whilst we sat in the kitchen.
"Mummma" the small voice shouted again. I recognised it to be Nadia's.
"Yes" I said on my way to waking in. She Pointed at her twin brother and older sister who were sitting on the floor eating chocolate.
"Who's is that?" I asked them, they both pointer at themselves.
"Mine" Esme said
"No mine" Leo said
"Actually I think that is Nadia's. Give it back to her and and say sorry" they both shook there heads. "Say sorry" I repeated
Leo stood up and handed Nadia the chocolate
"We sorry" he said and gave her a hug, gosh they were so cute. I turned around to see Nolan filming them and laughed at him, he filmed absolutely everything, he said that when they are older he can embarrass them with it.

I do love my children.

Authors note
Hope you like this little epilogue there are more to come like this

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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