Chapter 3- Pregnant?

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"I feel sick" I moan as Nolan pulls me out of bed.

"You have felt sick nearly every morning for the last 3 weeks, what's up?" he asked concerned

"The sky" I mumble

"Come on there must be something wrong"

"There's not" I let out a sigh as I said it

"Do you think maybe your pregnant?" he asked looking me in the eye

"What no of course not when did I last have sex? yeah that's right, never" I whisper- shout

"Well on our wedding night we did both wake up naked, don't you think that maybe you could just be pregnant?"

"Nope not at all" I say sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed

"At least take a test when you get home"

"Okay I will go meet our maybe future babies mother as we planned coffee today weeks ago and then I will by a pregnancy test, happy?"

"Okay I need to go to work, have a good day tell me how lunch goes" he said pecking me on the forehead and walking out.

"Bye" I call after him

"Bye" I heard him call back.

I got up and vomited in the toilet before brushing my teeth and having a shower. I blow dried my hair and let my natural blonde curls fall down my shoulders. i pulled some skinny jeans and a tank top on and grabbed my converse before heading downstairs.

I grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard and grabbed my car keys and my bag before skipping out the front door. I climbed into the drivers seat of my mini and pulled out the driveway.

I arrived in town about 10 minutes and pulled into a parking space. I jumped out the car and walked over to the supermarket.

I bought everything I needed for the next few days plus a pregnancy test and walked out the shop with my bags in my hand. I opened the car door and through the bags into the back seats before closing the door and locking it again.

I walked into the local coffee shop and saw a girl with long blonde hair, maybe a bit darker than mine and a rather large stomach.

"You must be Juliet" I said as I greeted her.

"And you must be Carmel"

"I sure am" I say sitting down opposite her "sorry if I'm a bit late"

"Oh no it's fine, I got here about an hour ago I was just a bit stressed and so thought I would come down earlier."

"Oh okay, I'm just going to get myself a drink do you want another one?"

"Oh yes please a decaf coffee, I can't drink caffeine with the baby" she said patting her stomach.

"Of course" I say smiling and going to order our drinks.

I placed the drinks down on the table and took my seat.

"Your mum seemed so lovely on the phone"

"Well at least someone thinks so" I mumble

"What?" she asked confused

"Oh well your my Mum has had my whole future planned out since I was 6, so this is all just part of the plan". I said fixing a lob sided smile.

"So you haven't always dreamed of adopting a baby who needs a home"

"No I wanted to have my own, but my mums says it will ruin my figure"

"Look I understand, but I don't want you to have my baby if your not going to treat it like your own or how your mother treats you"

"Look Juliet, I'm not like my mother I'm different, very different and I want the best for my children- of yours in this case. I don't want them to marry just because I want them to, I want them to marry because they are deeply in love. I will love your child as my own and Nolan and I will care for all her needs day and night. We have also decided you can come over as often as you like to see your daughter."

"Thank you" she said giving me a beautiful smile.

We spent the next few hours discussing baby names and things. We said our goodbyes and I headed back to the car. As I drove home I couldn't stop glancing at the bag with the pregnancy test in the bag on the passenger seat.

What if I was pregnant?

what would my Mum say?

Would be still adopt Juliet's baby?

How would I cope with two babies?

All these questions started to run through my head over and over again. I pulled into the drive and grabbed all the bags. I put them away in the kitchen and grabbed the pregnancy test as I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. I took the test-

I was pregnant.

My heart started racing. I called Nolan.

"Hello" he said. " Nows probably not the best time, do you mind calling Lila instead"

"Um okay, call me back as soon as you can"



I scrolled down my contact list before I found L.


"Hi" I said as my voice cracked.

"I just took a pregnancy test and it came back saying I was pregnant."


"Well I had been getting morning sickness so Nolan said I should take test and I did"

"Okay well I'm coming straight over now and we will go or the doctors to make sure it's correct"


She hung up and arrived about 10mins later. I jumped in the front seat of her car and she began to drive.

"It's true you are pregnant" the doctor said to me.

As soon as I got home Nolan called, I was sitting on the sofa with Oslo sitting on my knee.

"Hello" he said I could tell I was on the loud speaker in his car

"I'm pregnant"

"Your what?"

"You heard me Nolan"

"I will be home in 15 minutes" he said before hanging up.

The minute Nolan walked in I ran into his arms, for some reason reads were streamed down my cheeks.

"It's okay we will figure this out"

"What will my mum say?" I ask

"Well she will have to deal with it, we will still adopt that baby and they can grow up together."

"Okay"i mumble into his shirt

Oslo was tugging on my trousers so I picked him up so he could join in our hug.

Authors note

Hope you like it.

Make sure to check out my other story's.

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