Chapter nine- Lost

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"Nolan" I screamed "Come quick brings Esme"

"Whats the matter?" he  asked worried

"Courtneys run away we need to find her" I said as I ran out the door grabbing Nolans car keys.

"I will drive" he said as I got in the passenger seat and he put Esme in the back. "where to?"

" the park" He drove down our road as fast as he could and he pulled into the carpark for the park."you get Esme, i will try to find her keep your phone on." I jumped out the car and ran into the park.

There she was. Curled up in a ball under a large oak tree; a suitcase besides her.

"Courtney" I call. She looked up and her eyes fixed on me. She stood up and I ran towards her and  pulled her into a hug.

"You came" she whispered

"Of course" i sat pulling away from the hug to look at her. "We need to get you home"

"Im not going home"

"You will come and stay with us"

"No its fine I will look after myself you have to look after Esme and you expecting twins it will be too much stress"

"I will be more stressed if your not with me, I need to make sure your okay, now go get your bag and we will get back to the car" She grabbed her suitcase and we headed back through the park. I grabbed her bag of her as we got to the carpark. I saw Nolan standing next to the car with his arms open. Courtney ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as he kissed the top of her head. I smiled at the sight and walked over. I put the bag in the boot and climbed in the passenger seat. Courtney was already in the back chatting to Esme.

"Dont worry about her we will look after her, she can help out with looking after Esme she obviouslly really good with her" Nolan said as we pulled out the carpark.

"Courtney dinners ready" I called up the stairs. I heard her footsteps running dowm. She sat at the table next to Nolan. I placed down a bowl of pasta in front of each of them before sitting down to start my own.

"Carmel, I cant eat this it has to much fat in it Mum says I shouldnt eat carbs"

"Mums not here. Whilist your here you eat what you like when you like okay you got it?"

"Thankyou" I watched her stuff the food into her mouth. The way she ate it looked like she hadnt eaten for months.

"So do you like your room, well we will make it more you later on"

"I love it thankyou again"

"So Courtney what time do you need to be at school?" Nolan asked her as I cleard the plates.

"8:30, I dont mind walking"

"Nope one of us will take you" He said as he walked into the lounge.

"Courtney, I am going to speak to mum tommorow is there anything else you want from home?"

Authors note

Sorry for short chapter

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